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Why does it give so little money? At the start you get very little, but after you reach a skill level of 10 (Initiate) you will earn more, and the money increases along with your skill.

How many jobs can I do? Each vendor will let you do 7 jobs until they refuse to give you another one. Come back later.

Is there a time limit for a job? Yes. If you don't hand the bag back in time, they don't take it. It's useless, so throw it away.

No vendor will let me do a job. What happened? You can earn only 3,000GP per day (that's a real life day, not game day). Come back tomorrow.

Skills go up so slow. Why? Things slowly at the start, especially if it's a skill that you have a race penalty in. For example, a human starts out at -8 in healing. It will take you a lot longer to raise that skill. In general, the higher the skill level, the faster the gain rate. So persist.

Why bother doing lumberjacking jobs when there are trees? At the start you have minimal skill in lumberjacking, but you will need to eat soon. Apple trees, banana trees, lettuces, and cabbages are the best way to get food. But to pick them takes lumberjacking skill. At the start of the game it can take a while to pick even one apple. We suggest doing lumberjacking Jobs because you get the skill AND some money at the same time. Besides, you don't starve that quickly.

Do I have to click OK to accept each job? See the .options player command. You can choose to have it automatically accept the job.


What does the Archey Butte do? Use your bow and arrows on the butte. (The Strikebow and Elven Longbow doesn't work on a butte). You will gain in Archery, Battle Dexterity and Tactics up to a skill of 50.

What does the Training Dummy do? Hit the dummy with a weapon or bare hands. That weapon skill will raise along with Tactics, Battle Dexterity, Strength, and Dexterity up to a maximum of 50. When all of the skills have reached 50 you will not longer gain anything.

What about the training I paid for? Training has no effect on skill gain from an archery butte or training dummy. Use the training equipment for initial skill gain. The weapons training you paid for only works when you are hitting a real animal or monster.


What if I'm not a mage and can't cast gate spells? How can I travel around? Sorceror's Quest has many modes of travel. You can buy or make a crystal ball and give that ball to a black robe in various places around the map. They will mark the ball which allows you to return to that spot each time you use the ball for up to 10 times. You can also take the ferry between the coastal towns on the mainland. See a 'Captain' to take the trip. You can also take the covered wagon that travels between the coastal town of Shannon and Cairn and Ardmore. See the 'Teamster'.


Why do a merchant quest? They seem a slow way to make money. The amount of money you earn is only dependent on the distance you travel and a random amount. Longer distances also give you a chance to increase your strength, dexterity or intelligence especially when you are a new player.

What happened when I did a quest from a mage? You get no money at all. Mages always pay out in reagents. This can be useful if you need reagents, but not otherwise.

Why do merchant quests give me useless reagents? If you need those sort of reagents, they might be the only convenient way to get them. You not only get mages's reagents, but all types.

Is there any way of making serious amounts of money doing merchant quests? Yes. If you are on the mainland, there is a chance you will get a quest that is across the other side of the map. Since merchant quest payouts are dependent on distance travelled, you can earn thousands of gold at a time. Don't forget you can use the ferry to travel between the coastal mainland towns or take the stage coach between Shannon, Cairn and Ardmore. They are all southern coastal towns on the mainland.


The guards never seem to have any quests for me. Why? Guards come up with a new quest every 15 minutes. It probably means someone did one a few minutes ago.

Why do I always get easy quests? At the start you only get easy quests. When you are on the mainland your virtue level determines the difficulty of the quests. It also determines your payout. If you have negative virtue the Chaos guard near Ivy is the only way to get harder quests

People keep talking about Lottery Tickets. Where are they? Do guard quests. They exist, although they are rare. See the section on loot.

I keep having problems cutting off the monster's head. How do I get it? After looting the corpse, double-click on your dagger in your backpack and target the centre of the corpse's blood. You can also use the command ".grab autocarve" which will makes every subsequent .grab command also skin the monster and show you the blood. The head is in the blood area despite the fact that it might be their feet. Don't ask.

Is there a time limit for a guard quest? No.

I keep seeing other monsters in the same area as my quest. What happened? Someone has accepted a guard quest, but either hasn't arrived to kill it, or they have given up for some reason.


Does lockpicking pay well? It's risky, but does pay well. The chests you see inside the towns are all easy ones and give lesser rewards. However, they can be trapped meaning you can die when you pick a chest. If you have cure potions and are wearing something that protects from fire, you should be alright. It's risky and slow progress if you aren't in the rogue guild.

How do I find out about a lock before I pick it? You can use your MAGERY skill on the lock. If you have enough MAGERY skill, this will tell you the lockpicking level that will work most of the time. You can use your detecting hidden skill on the lock. If you have enough detecting hidden skill it will tell you the type of trap on the lock. When you pick a lock, your detecting hidden skill is used to try and disarm any trap.

Where do I get training vouchers, lottery tickets, 'make a secondary skill into a primary skill' vouchers, and 'keep a primary skill as primary when resigning from a guild' vouchers?

Locked chests are the way to get these vouchers.

If you find a treasure map, this will lead you to a guarded locked chest.

If you pick a lock outside town, the harder the lock the more chance you will get a voucher.

If you are a fisherman, you may also find a message in a bottle which can lead you to a chest to pick.

For those not interested in lockpicking, do a guard quest when you have a high virtue level, then if it gives you a chest, ask another player or a rogue guildmaster to open the chest.


How do I get to be a druid? There are a couple of druid guildmasters who will let you join their guild. They will provide you with the tools you need. Druids have some special spells. See the website.


How do I join the necromancer guild? There is a necromancer guildmaster near Ivy who will train you in necromancy and poisoning Look for him/her in one of the huts along the road on the mainland.

How do I get necro skills past Adept (80)? Join the guild

How do I become a vampire? There are graveyards around the map. Use your necromancy skill next to a tombstone. You won't find them in a town. There is a chance you will become a vampire if you successfully contact the dead. See the necro page in the data tables for more information

How do I stop being a vampire? Find some vials of blood and drink them.

Can I ride a horse as a vampire? Only the Nightmare. They are a rare horse, but can be tamed if you survive the encounter.


Where are the clan NPCs? Each race has their own base town. Look for the clan in your race's home town.

How do I do a clan quest? Say Quest to the clan NPC and they will offer a choice of 8 different quests. Each quest has a certain number of days to complete. This is real world days, not game days.

The quests are all too hard. What do I do? The quest list is redone each real world day. Only choose a quest that you know you can complete.

What sort of things can you buy from the clan shopkeeper? All your race's advanced weapons are for sale including the rare ones. The only exception is the Mithril weapons are not for sale. You can also buy dozens of other rare items if you have the points.


What does Lore do? The story goes that he is responsible for all the guilds in the world. Consequently a visit to Lore will almost certainly be both necessary and expensive unless you have a voucher. For a sum of money (or a voucher if available), Lore can: - make a secondary skill into a primary one - make a primary skill permanent even when you resign from a guild - resign from a guild - create a new free guild slot up to a maximum of 10 - change into a specialist - choose and change your 3 specialist skills - hand in any vouchers from the Sorceror

Where is Lore? On the mainland sail a boat East off the map. You will eventually arrive at Lore's island. Don't leave your boat tied at the dock for too long. Others will want to visit too.


What is the Sorceror? The search for The Sorceror . When you become a Specialist, Lore will give you a book explaining that you can embark on the quest to find the Sorceror.You will need to construct the Gate that takes you to the Sorceror.

The Gate is made up of components from each of the crafts which you can only make after you become a Specialist. When you combine all of the components you can make the riftgate. Of course you can buy these from other players. There is no need for you to join and train in all the crafts. Your choice.

Use the Gate and you will be transported to a land where magic does not work. You have to find the Sorceror, get a quest from him and then use the Return Gate to take you to a place called "Gateway". From there you can take a doorway back home. This place has many doors off it to other mini worlds. They are not all dangerous but most are.

Each time you do a quest for the Sorceror he will give you an scroll. The scroll either allows you to make something or it gives you a magic enhancement. There are a fair selection of things you can make. You will end up with the best armour and weapons in the game. Mithril items are always magic and are truly awesome. There are about 50 different things you can get from him, so making another Gate will be important.


What's with all those scrolls I can buy from the merchants? In Sorceror's Quest you cannot make things by double clicking on the tool. When you joined a crafting guild you would have been given a craft book. You make things by selecting them in the craft book. Opening the book you will see that there is almost nothing you can make. You have to buy scrolls and insert them into the craft book in order from easiest to hardest. Each scroll adds more items you can make. You can't insert a scroll into the craft book unless you have enough skill to make the items. Each scroll is double the price of the previous one.

What about boards of wood, wool cloth, cotton cloth, yarn, thread, bags of flour, leather, smelting and stuff? These are modified raw materials. You don't craft them, you use the tools around town to make them into the materials that the craft books can use. eg use logs on the sawmill to make boards, use hides on the curing rack to make leather, use wool and cotton on the spinning wheel and then the loom to make cotton and wool cloth.

And if you are cooking, you will be wondering where to find all the ingredients. If you can't harvest them, find them as loot on town animals (eg lard), harvest a beehive (eg honey/wax), or feed meat into the grinding machine (sausage meat), then you will probably need a tool to convert them to something else - eg use a churning paddle on a pitcher of milk to make cheese. If the worst comes to the worst, the famer might sell it. Every tool that the carpenter or tinker can make is needed somewhere in the game.


I got a new piece of armour but my AR is still low.... huh? The AR rating on your status gump is in fact the weighted average for all the parts of your body that can wear armour including your shield. A breastplate is in fact 40% of your armour coverage so upgrading that will have the most effect on your AR. However in battle, if you have a high AR in all places except your head, and you get a hit in the head, then guess what? Your AR is in fact 0 for that hit and you can get hurt bad. Use the .armzone command to see how your armour is doing.

I am in the cooking guild and my cooking is at 100, but my title says I am still a novice? A bug? No. The title you get is the average of all the skills in that guild. For a cook you need to have high cooking, healing and fishing skills to get the high title. See the web site under data tables - look for the guilds link.

Last modified 18 February 2006