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Getting to Sorceror

The rift is where you will find The Sorceror. We called this game Sorceror's Quest in the hope that players would seek out the glory and rewards of reaching him.

  • You get to the rift by assembling or buying a riftgate. You need to have at least 100 unbuffed Hits, Stamina and Mana. If not, it won't work and warns you about which vital is too low.
  • You get back from the rift by using a Return to Gateway gate. You cannot make these, they are created in your backpack automatically when you use a riftgate. You need the same vitals as the riftgate to use the return gate.
  • The Return to Gateway gate actually takes you to a strange place. It is the portal to many other small lands, many of them lethal but some not. One of them will return you home. Crystal balls work in Gateway
  • Crystal balls will not work where The Sorceror is. You can't cast magic in there either.

Making a Riftgate

To make all the riftgate components yourself you must be a specialist and have full craftbooks.

By specialist we mean going to Lore when you are 100 in 7 skills (without any buffs) and are a member of 7 guilds. You don't have to specialise in any of the crafting skills themselves to make or use a riftgate.

The rifttgate is made up of 5 components and assembled using the tinkering craftbook. Each component is made from a different craftbook. When you become a specialist you can insert the master crafting scrolls into you craftbooks. You can buy them but can't insert them until you are a specialist. The master scroll unlocks a new menu in your craftbook that enables you to make the riftgate part and perhaps one or two other nifty items. Players are not allowed to sell craftbook scrolls, but can sell riftgate parts.

Here are the ingredients for each riftgate part:

Alchemy: 100 Vials Of Blood

Blacksmithy: 100 Pigiron 100 Iron ingots

Carpentry: 100 Entwood

Cooking: 100 Garlic 100 Mandrake Root 1 Flour

Tailoring: 100 Executioners Caps 1 Thread

Tinkering: To make the gate make sure you have the tinkering crafting scoll in the tinkering craftbook and select 'riftgate' from the menu. Ensure you have all the components made from the other craft books. In addition you will also require 100 logs, 100 iron ingots and 100 glass ingots.

As you can see, making a riftgate is a complicated process. Because a riftgate only lasts for one use only, you should be collecting the materials constantly.

Sorceror Rewards

The first time you visit the Sorceror he is suitably impressed. He will give you a quest if you ask for one. Take it, there's no point to visiting him unless you do one of his quests.

When you bring back the item, he will give you a choice of rewards. All rewards except for stat caps are a scroll which you must take to Lore before you do another Sorcerors Quest.

After about 6 quests he will give you a special Humuc, or upgrade the one you already have. It adds a couple of useful commands to the humuc. From this quest on you can always ask him for a free Humuc if you need one. (meaning you don't have to take Alchemy as a skill which is the only other way to get one.)

Option What it does
PureMagic Damage level (1-10) When a spell does 'Pure Magic' damage, this will boost your spell power by a small amount. Getting all 10 will boost it by 50%.

This is a pure magic attack. It is only defended by Magic Resistance skill.

Electrical Damage level (1-10) When a spell does Electrical damage, this will boost your spell power by a small amount. Getting all 10 will boost it by 50%.

Electrical is also known as energy. Some monsters are strong or weak against an electrical attack.

Fire Damage level (1-10) When a spell does Fire damage, this will boost your spell power by a small amount. Getting all 10 will boost it by 50%.

Fire is also know as flame. Some monsters are strong or weak against an fire attack.

Cold Damage level (1-10) When a spell does Cold damage, this will boost your spell power by a small amount. Getting all 10 will boost it by 50%.

Some monsters are strong or weak against an cold attack.

Field spell duration (1-3) When a spell creates a field, this will boost the duration of the spell. Getting all 3 will boost it by 30%
Statmod spell level (1-3) When a Magery spell modifies your stats, this will increase the amount and duration of the spell. Getting all 3 will boost the value by 6 and extend the duration by 75%
Summon spell level (1-3) When a Mage summons a creature, the this will increase the duration of the creature's lifespan. Getting all 3 will boost the duration by an extra 30%
Electrical Resistance level (1-10) When hit by a spell that does Electrical (or energy) damage, this will reduce the damage you sustain. Getting all 10 will reduce the damage by 50%
Fire Resistance level (1-10) When hit by a spell that does Fire (or flame) damage, this will reduce the damage you sustain. Getting all 10 will reduce the damage by 50%
Cold Resistance level (1-10) When hit by a spell that does Cold damage, this will reduce the damage you sustain. Getting all 10 will reduce the damage by 50%
Poison Resistance level (1-6) When hit by a poison, this will reduce the poison level of the attack. Getting level 6 would reduce a level 10 poison to a level 4
Power looting boost (1 only) Getting this will boost your looting speed when you type .grab
Raise a Str/Dex/Int cap After you had beome a Specialist at Lore's, all your stats were capped at either 100 or 120. Choosing this reward lets you choose which statcap to increase by 10. Note: these are caps, not the skills themselves.
  • Your first character can keep buy statcap boosts which add 10 to a statcap all the way up to 160 in any stat, meaning your character can cap out at 160 str, 160 dex, 160 int for a total statcap of 480.
  • Your second character can buy one more statcap boost with no stat allowed to exceed 170, for a total statcap of 490. That means you can have caps of 170, 160, 160 or 170, 170, 150 in any stat you choose.
  • Your third character can get a further statcap boost with no stat allowed to exceed 170, for a total statcap of 500. That means you can have caps of 170, 170, 160 in any stat you choose.
  • Your fourth character can get a further statcap boost with no stat allowed to exceed 170, for a total statcap of 510. That means you can have caps of 170, 170, 170 in any stat you choose.
  • There is no bonus for a 5th character.
Crafting enhancements These are various scrolls that enable more items to be created from the craftbooks. See the crafting tables.
  • Tinkering GM 1 - (Mithril Pickaxe, Riding Ring, Rune Ring)
  • Blacksmithy GM 1 - (Mithril weapons)
  • Carpentry GM 1 - (Strikebow, Mithril Staff)
  • Alchemy GM 1 - (Fighting skill boost potions)
  • Cooking GM 1 - (Special recipes)
  • Tinkering GM 2 - (Return Ring, Manastone)
  • Blacksmithy GM 2 - (Mithril Armour)
  • There is also an Alchemy GM2 used for making fire oils, but the Sorceror does not hand these out.
  • Each of these scrolls goes into your craftbook. Note the craftbook must be at the correct level to add these scrolls.
  • For example: you cannot add the Tinkering GM 1 scroll until you have the Tinkering Master scroll in there. The Tinkering GM 2 scroll can only be added when the Tinkering GM 1 scroll is already added.

Note: The Master Scrolls are only available from Lore or William.

Note: Resistance and spell levels maximums shown. Each level you see in your CHARACTER gump is alone worth 0.05