Player Guilds

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This is entirely a roleplaying device. Being in a guild merely points out to other players that you are in a band or club that has common aims. The Guild Master sets the guilds aims in the charter and your aims should be the same. You get a custom title above your head composed of the guild abbreviation and a title given to you by the Guild Leader.

You are free to resign from a guild at any time or to create your own, so this isn't a power trip for the guild leaders. If they don't provide decent support and reasons to remain in the guild, they will soon lose members.


It does not add abilities or impose any scripted restrictions on how you play the game.However, in a sense it does, because it makes no sense for a member of a chaos guild doing virtuous things like belonging to the order guards. So the restrictions are in fact all roleplaying ones that you impose on yourself.


Members of guilds, Rival guilds and Allied guilds are different colours in their tooltips. You can play around with these colours - they don't effect other players, just how YOU see them. See the OPTIONS button on the paperdoll.


Just one at a time.


To use the rivalry and alliances one day to introduce PvP on another map. At the moment you cannot target another player with a weapon. In the future, being in a rival guild could allow this to happen. It's not in the game now, so don't go looking for it. Be assured however, that Vale and the friendly maps will always remain free of PvP and PK except in the arenas.


  • If you have the latest client, click on the GUILDS button on your paperdoll.
  • If you have an older client, type .guilds
  • Or find the Player Guilds button on the CHARACTER gump on your paperdoll.

If you are a member of a guild, the guild menu is opened.

If you are not currently a member of any player guild, a gump opens with 3 options:

  1. Create a Guild. You fill in the Guild Name, the Abbreviation, and make sure you have 100,000 Gold in your backpack. Click the OKAY button to create the guild.
  2. Stop or allow other guilds from asking if you want to become a member of their guild. Two options - Allow or Ignore.
  3. List all existing guilds in the game, the current Guild Master and members. There are links to the guild charter and website if set.


Player Guilds on Sorcerors Quest are slightly different from other shards. Because we are not a PvP or PK shard, the usual guild enemies are simply called "rivalry".


  • A guild can be either Chaos, Neutral or Order faction. The guild master can change the faction if they wish
  • You can only ally with a guild from your own faction
  • You can only be a rival to another guild if they are NOT the same faction as your guild
  • If you change your guild faction, all alliances and rivalries are instantly broken.


There are 5 pre-defined ranks:

  1. Ronin
  2. Member
  3. Emissary
  4. Warlord
  5. Guildmaster.

The Guild Master can change any member's title to suit the character of their guild. A guild member can have their rank changed by promotion, demotion and can be kicked out of the guild. If you are unable to perform one of those functions then you are not highly enough ranked.


You can remove most above-head and paperdoll titles from your character by using the .options command. This doesn't actually change your title, just hides it from others.


A member of the guild will have the guild abbreviation as part of the tooltip above head title system. Eg if the guild abbreviation is TLC, and they are the guildmaster, then the title will be [TLC] Guild Master,


From the main guild menu, there is a button under the diplomacy heading called Guilds. It will display all the guilds in the game. If authorised, buttons for Rivalry and Alliance can be clicked to send a message to the other guild leader. If they are not online they will see the invitation when they next logon.


When at rank 3 or above you can use the guild menus to invite another player to join your guild. They are called emissaries because their main role is to recruit. Make sure you are standing next to them so you can select them. If they are not blocking guild membership requests, they will get a gump asking them to join or not.


  • If a guild member does not logon for more than 30 days they are automatically removed from the guild.
  • A guild with no members will be automatically removed. This is checked daily.


  • If the guild master leaves the guild for any reason a mail message is sent telling all ranks 2 and above to vote for a new member. I'd suggest you have less than 50% of your members at rank 1 or it might be a little hard to elect a new master!
  • You have 72 hours to vote
  • A tie in votes will restart the voting
  • For a new master to be elected, more than 50% of the entire membership must vote
  • When a vote is underway ranks 2 and above will get a voting button on their guild menu.


The guild master can set a guild website and charter. It is highly recommended that you do both because other guilds and even players not in a guild can see this information from the guild menus.


The guild master can change a guild's name and/or abbreviation.


Guild Leader 5
Can set Charter 5
Can set Faction 5
Can change member Titles 5
Can change guild name or abbreviation 5
Declare and remove rivalry 4
Can invite players to join 3
Can promote (cannot promote past your level) 3
Can demote (only those of lower rank) 3
Can remove those of lower rank 3
Can vote for new Guild Master 2