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Revision as of 23:47, 16 January 2020 by Playsia (talk | contribs) (Contained herein are the gathered history’s of our strange but beautiful land and maybe the answers to some of your questions about Sorcerors Quest.)
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(In places slightly edited by Plasia)

All Hail gentlefolk,

Contained herein are the gathered history’s of our strange but beautiful land and maybe the answers to some of your questions about Sorcerors Quest.

1. What are the History’s and why should I read them? These contain the history’s of the races of Caeria and how they arrived. These are unique to Sorcerors Quest and have been created to give a fuller understanding of the races.

2. Where exactly is Caeria? Caeria is based on an “Ireland that might have been” and is set sometime between 1280AD to 1299AD. (This is flexible at the moment). Certain liberty’s have been taken with real history but generally the time line is accurate as far as it suits Caeria.

3. Why do some history’s mention Ireland? In Sorceror Quest, at the moment, Caeria and Ireland both mean the some place.

4.What can’t I do in the shard? Basically be rude to other players, and apart from the arenas, we do not allow PvP, even then both party’s have to agree to this The one thing you cannot do is change Races so think carefully when deciding on this at the start.

5. What is the Guild system? Here is where we differ most from other shards. There are no race restrictions on what guilds you join. True some races may be better at certain things than others but there is nothing to prevent you joining any guild you like. So a Grandmaster Dwarven Mace fighter who does Magic is possible as is a Grandmaster Dwarven Cook who is a Tailor the choice is yours. When you first join you are restricted to 2 guilds, a wise choice is a fighting guild or magic guild and a crafting guild. To gain a 3rd guild you must pass through the “Cave of Trails”. This needs a fighting or magic skill and it is not easy. The crafting guild helps you to earn money as well as doing “Jobs” and “Quests” and you will need lots of money. Once you have got this far you can belong to 10 guilds in all but here again you do need lots and lots of money to do so. Working your way up through a guild will also require you to have a lot of money but just take your time and don’t rush and these things are achievable.

6. So what else should I do? Join the Discord!! This will give you all the latest changes and answer any queries you might have, this is not compulsory but it is very helpful.

So to sum up, Sorcerors Quest is a place of friendly and helpful people who will offer you help if you need it, if you would rather not have help then we will understand and not be upset. The staff, at all levels, are also friendly and will try their hardest to give you any help if you require it.

Hope to see you in game


The World of Caeria

Caeria A brief history

7000BC to 4000Bc Mesolithic Age

5010BC Fintan (Incarnations: Human, Salmon, Eagle, Hawk, Human) and his tribe arrives in Caeria. They were hunter /gatherers, very inventive and used their environment to its full potential. They had of necessity to be self-sufficient but would have welcomed trade. They probably wore furs, leather and hemp based fabrics; nettles and wool were also used to create fabrics. They may have used bird’s feathers for ornamentation as well as natural dyes from plant sources.

4000BC to 2000BC Neolithic Age

This was the era of the first farmers, more settled peoples who grew their own crops and laid by stores of grains to tide them over the winter. They still hunted and gathered in berries and nuts but now their diet was supplemented on a regular basis by the produce of their crops, and by the domesticated animals they now kept such as pigs, sheep, cattle and hunting dogs that kept predators at bay and warned of intruders.

During this time the first dwellings were started which would grow into villages during the next 1400 years. There were some that rejected this lifestyle of fixed dwellings preferring to live in the style of their fore-fathers and remain close to nature and natural magic. Around 2069BC they broke away and formed the tribe that would eventually become the Shabooli.

2000BC to 600BC Bronze Age

With a reasonably steady supply of food, people had more time to turn to arts and crafts This gave rise to the first Bards and Druids. Tinkers travelled from village to village and traded as they went. Somewhere around this time the first coinage was brought into circulation and the system of bartering slowly declined.

People started learning the art of metallurgy, how to mine and process raw ores and craft them into finished pieces. Gold, silver and copper were the first metals worked, then alloys such as the combination of copper and tin were discovered and the resulting bronze became a prized metal used for weapons and practical objects. Metal smiths became regarded with certain awe. The foundation of the first towns begins.

600BC to 500AD Iron Age

400AD Sorceror build the first rift gate and leaves Caeria forever. A consequence of the rift was that Danu, the moon, also vanishes. 401AD Elves arrive (see Official World History/Elves in Caeria) 433AD Patrick arrives and tries to convert the Druids 435AD Drow arrive following after the Elves 460AD Dwarfs arrive – starts to make iron weapons and mine Mithril (See Official World History/Dwarves in Caeria) 490AD Fintan dies – After 5500 years, the last 90 of these in a human form. 491AD Patrick fails in his mission and returns to Rome, leaving behind a legacy that will take many years to before it impacts on Caeria, the skills of reading and writing.

Not much is known about this period in time and it has been dubbed 'The Caerian Dark Age'. Some written records exist in Rome describing Patrick’s success but as we now know this was stretching the truth a little. All history and lore during this and the following period was retained by the Bards and Druids and recounted orally. It would seem from the evidence so far uncovered that iron use was gradually introduced into Caeria however bronze implements were still very much in use for everyday objects and for ornamentation

500AD to 1000AD Dark Age (The Age of Druids)

Many other races came across the rift in this period – the Elementals, Dragons, Goblins, Trolls, Demons, Vampires, Minotaurs, Lizardmen, Ratmen, Terathan, Giants and a vast variety of Undead.

Interbreeding produces Half Elves and Dark Elves. (See Official World History for information on these two). Nomads and Nemedians swiftly followed and found land to settle on and call their own. (See Official World History/The Races Of Caeria).

Druids hold sway, the myths and legends grew and so did the belief in them. The more people heard the stories, the more they respected nature, thus increasing power given to druids. Some crafting skills became almost forgotten. However reading and writing were becoming slightly more wide spread leading to the rise of Scribes during this period.

Also as people accumulated more personal wealth it was no longer safe to keep everything either buried or stored at home in chests. Travelling brought on an increased risk of being robbed so the first Banks were formed. This gave a need for quick communication between banks and led to the start of the pigeon post system and the first post offices.

The scarcity of contemporary written history and material cultural achievements in general, often depicted as a time of backwardness. However the melting pot of races also produced some of the finest metal work and jewellery in the known world.

1000AD to 1300AD High Middle Age (Medieval)(The Age of Lore)

1012AD Lore uses a riftgate and Danu, the moon, returns. The guilds start to form. (See Official World History/Lore Starts the Guilds) Fomorians invaded Caeria in force in 1169 (See Official World History) and soon established themselves throughout most of the country, though their stronghold was the southeast. Knights became common in the 11th century, and tournaments were invented. Although the heavy capital investment in horse and armour was a barrier to entry, knighthood became known as a way for serfs to earn their freedom. In the 12th century. Ethical warfare was promoted and inspired the formation of orders of chivalry, such as the Virtue Guard.

Protection from famine allowed Caeria's population to increase. This increased population contributed to the founding of new towns and an increase in industrial and economic activity during the period. Food production also increased during this time as new ways of farming were introduced, including the use of a heavier plough, horses instead of oxen, and a three-field system that allowed the cultivation of a greater variety of crops than the earlier two-field system - notably legumes, the growth of which prevented the depletion of important nitrogen from the soil.

Festivals of Caeria

Time Line – Caeria Present Day Place - Vale Inn

Dain looked around the crowded inn, it seemed that there were people from all over Caeria here for the festival. “Well that will do the innkeepers profits some good,” he thought to himself. “I suppose I better get started.”

“I welcome you all and am pleased to see so many here. I am Dain the Lore Keeper for those of you who do not know and am here to talk to you about the festivals.”

It surprised him that, even though he was getting on in years, his voice still cut through the general hubbub.

“ For those of you new to Caeria we have four main festivals every year. The one that is approaching is called Samhain or Summer’s End, then Yule, Imbolc and Beltane or Our Shining One follow in that order. Now a little bit of background to these is called for. When Fintan and his followers came to Caeria they brought this custom with them, if fact nobody knows how old it really is, and Fintan oversaw these and dedicated them to the moon goddess Danu and the sun god Belenos. Under Fintan’s wise rule the people prospered and the festivals became larger and all was good with the world.”

Here Dain paused for a moment to let this sink in.

“ Now we come to the age of the Sorceror and that changed everything. Can you imagine looking up one night and finding Danu had vanished? That was a shock, people thought the Gods had forsaken them and thus began Fintan’s decline. This is where the Druids stepped in they took over the running of the festivals but to two new gods Bel and Druantia. This carried on for many years and people began to forget there were once a moon; it became the thing of myths and legends. Luckily nature has its own immovable time clock and at Beltane the may flower bloomed, at Samhain the deer rutted, which explains why at this time of year you see druids wearing antlers as headdress. This time we know as the Age of Druids.”

Dain looked at the crowd, they were still listening to him, and even the small children were quiet.

“Now we come to the present day or the Age of Lore. This started when Danu suddenly reappeared in the sky once more. Now of course the Druids were not going to lose the prestige that had built up over many years so they claimed that Danu return was caused by their devotions, Druantia was quietly dropped and replaced by Danu. The people of Caeria were happy and the festivals continued as they had become by now a tradition and it was unthinkable for these to be conducted by any one else than Druids. Well that’s the background. Any questions?”

“Why do the festivals centre on Vale and not elsewhere?” asked a voice from the crowd.

“Its all to do with the Golden Apple Tree,” replied Dain. “Few have been fortunate to see it but it does exist and Vale is the closest place to where it grows.”

“I am new to this land what are we celebrating?” called out another.

“Well Samhain marks the first day of winter and the start of the long night, its when the cattle and sheep come in from their summer pastures to the shelter of stable and byre. The hay that will feed them during the winter must be stored in sturdy thatched ricks, tied down securely against storms. Those destined for the table will be slaughtered and the meat salted, after being ritually devoted to the Crone Goddess Bronach. All the harvest must be gathered in -- barley, oats, wheat, turnips, and apples. So that is a lot of work but at the end of it merchants will travel here with strange goods to sell, there will be food for all and we will light giant bonfires. It will be a time of games and puzzles that all can join in. Then the ashes from the fires will be sprinkled over the fields to protect them during the winter months -- and of course, that also improves the soil.”

Dain took a sip of water and continued.

"Yule, This feast takes place on the longest, darkest night of the year. Yule is a festival of peace and a celebration of waxing solar light. Many honoured the forthcoming Sun child by burning an oaken Yule log and giving of gifts, and honoured the Goddess in her many Mother aspects. The Father God was also honoured in various forms: as the Holly King."

"Imbolc, or "in milk", comes next, the lactation period of ewes and cows. Ewes are unable to produce milk until after they bear their young, which occurs at this time. Since milk was very important to our survival, this was a time of great joy. It meant that the end of a long winter was in sight, and green pastures were only a few months away. During the Imbolc ritual it is customary to pour milk (or cream) onto the earth. This is done in thanksgiving, as an offering of nurturing, and to assist in the return of fertility and generosity of the earth to its people (the return of Spring). Imbolc was celebrated in honour of Brighid the daughter of Dagda. At Imbolc, Brighid was pregnant with the seed of the Sun. She was ripe with the promise of new life, as the seeds of the earth deep within its soil begin to awaken at this time, ripe with the promise of Spring, new life for the planet.

“Beltane on the other hand is a time of fertility and unbridled merrymaking, when young and old would spend the night in the Greenwood. In the morning, they would return to the village bearing huge budding boughs of hawthorn (the may-tree) and other spring flowers with which to bedeck themselves, their families, and their houses. They would process back home, stopping at each house to leave flowers, and enjoy the best of food and drink that the home had to offer. In every village, the maypole—usually a birch or ash pole—was raised, and dancing and feasting began. Jumping between two Beltane fires is sure to bring good fortune, health to your livestock, and prosperity. I think that covers everything you need to know. I wish you all a good Samhain.”

The crowd broke into applause and with that ringing in his ears Dain resumed his seat.

Races of Caeria

How the Races was Won (sic)

As has been recounted elsewhere, ancient Caeria was essentially like all other lands on earth before the rift was opened. The sun and the moon shone in the sky and the Gods were active in the heavens and taking a keen interest in the affairs of men.

All eyes in heaven were on a magician in Caeria called Sorceror. The Gods were looking forward to the changes that were about to occur. Truth to be told, they were guiding Sorceror to his fate.

At the time of Sorceror, Caeria was a collection of small human settlements. The population was low but was united under the kingship of Fintan the Wise for a few scant years of unusual prosperity. Caeria had been invaded many times throughout its history and often more than once in a generation, so the sturdy folk were always expecting and working to prepare for the next inevitable landing of invaders.

However, this time the unexpected happened. The next invasion happened from within. One night the hardworking folk noticed that the moon was missing from the sky. Fintan called for Sorceror to explain what was happening, but he was nowhere to be found. Then magicians started reporting that they were finding it much harder to cast spells. They would often fail in their attempts and some spells had even become too difficult to cast.

Then a few weeks later, a band of human shaped figures walked into an inland town. They looked somehow alien and could not be understood despite many attempts to converse. Eventually they left and disappeared. The stories spread to the villages of the tall strangers with strange skin who spoke a musical unknown language. Thus men first met the Elves and not for the last time, were puzzled by each other.

But the world linked through the rift to Caeria was teeming with many different friendly and warlike races and soon many crossed over to join them.

The first two races to cross were the Elves followed by the Drow. Although obviously related in many physical ways, the Drow were dark and warlike as opposed to the peaceful and fair Elves. These two races were the key to the new life in Caeria.

The Elves formed a community and mostly lived together in the town they called Avalone in the centre of a forest. Eventually the Elves would befriend men and eventually even breed with them through magic means to form a mixed race called the Halfelves. Elves had few children of their own because of the reduced magic in the land.

The Halfelves never knew the other world and they grew up being accepted by both Elves and Men. Halfelves found a great affinity with the forests although they were not suited to magic. They could live with men or Elves but were physically more like men.

Meanwhile the Drow had no central government and bred rapidly preferring to live on the edge of forests. They were masters of war and very persistent in their attacking and hatred of men. Although they preferred to live underground in their old world, the light was different in Caeria, softer and dimmer, and the Drow learned to live above ground and prosper.

However, the Drow were not united, and soon a large band formed and vanished from the sight of other Drow. The Drow never forgot them and regarded them as traitors to their race. This breakaway community vowed to turn aside from evil and discovered the Elves at Avalone. After much work and use of Elven lore, they were successfully stripped of their evil nature. They worked hard to distance themselves from their Drow forefathers in all their detested practices and eventually gained lighter skin through intermarriage and by not practicing the foul rituals of the Drow. Not wishing to have anything to do with the Drow, they began calling themselves the Darkelves. Eventually they left Avalone and lived as communities in the villages of men.

The Elves, Darkelves and Halfelves have managed to become distinctly separate races in Caeria. However it is thought they would one day become one race. They all have humans as friends and all hate the Drow.

The other main sentient race that came across the rift was impressed with the mountains and prospects of some rich and rewarding mining. Shorter and sturdier than Elves, the Dwarves took to Caeria instantly and their jovial nature won them many friends. Dwarves live happily amongst men, less so amongst the Elven races, but mostly they enjoy the sight of a rich vein of rock as long as they have a supply of ale close by. However, despite their manner, the Dwarves posses a rich culture and are fighters of reknown.

Many other races came across the rift too – the Elementals, Dragons, Goblins, Trolls, Demons, Vampires, Minotaurs, Lizardmen, Ratmen, Terathan, Giants and a vast variety of Undead. They all spread out in the land and gained a foothold. Eventually a balance was struck and the flood of new inhabitants across the rift slowed to a trickle.

Another group came across the rift that appeared to be totally human in appearance. However, they had absolutely no society or industry of their own, preferring to survive by simply raiding and moving on to the next area. Men called them the Nomads.

Meanwhile the rest of the world was still invading and waging war on poor tiny Caeria. The Nemedians invaded and gained a foothold. However, the population was high enough that they could not conquer the whole land and remained in their own corner. These seemed to be mostly practisers of dark arts and never mixed with men or elves.

Finally a race came to Caeria from across the ocean that would normally have conquered it, but who found that there were simply too many people of all races to ever subdue. These were the Fomorians. These are a notable race of men who simply valued pride and honour above all else. They mastered the use of fine weapons and are born leaders. A Fomorian would never think of interbreeding with a human let alone attempting it with another race. Eventually they mixed with the other friendly races in the land but they never for one instant forgot that they were Fomorian.

In 970AD a child was born on the Isle of Mann that would affect the course of the world, though no one knew that at the time. A weak scrawny child, who’s mother died giving birth to him, he amazing the Druids by his inner strength as he fought for life. So did Lore enter our history raised by the Druids his skill in Druidism leapt forwards at a rapid rate and 30 years latter was the only person able to translate Druidic Runes into the current language of the time. He travelled far and wide in his search for new runes and 1002AD found him a member of Brian Boru’s court. He was now 32 and no sign of the weak child remained, the years had been kind to him and a sturdy middle-aged man now stood there for all to see. Rated as one of the best scholars in the known world he was a friend of kings in England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland and had helped in the formation of treaties between these countries, and even manage to get the Vikings to come to Boru’s treaty table. A feat thought by many to be impossible. Thus did Lore become the power behind the throne.

Then one day a group of elves,Dovesi, Amanath, Draniel, Killian, Ocato and Fathis, sought audience with the King and brought tales of strange and dangerous monsters in the remote mountains of Ireland and talk of a rift between worlds that enabled them to pass through for the past then years. On hearing this a bell went of in Lore’s head and he remembered ancient runes that spoke of a Sorceror. He begged the King to let him investigate these tales, little knowing how long it would take him, and the King agreed. This was the last people saw of him for 12 long years and although Brian Boru sent out search parties for him no sign of Lore could be found. Then one day after strange happenings he reappeared at court having been living among the Elves and learning a great deal from them and the the Elves had been only to happy to keep him hiden.

Thus began the Age Of Druids by the men of Caeria although the Darkelves preferred to write their own history and thought of it more as the age of Magic. Either way, the land of Caeria changed once again as Lore closed the rift and returned the moon and the full magic again to the land.

As time past and the guilds grew so did Lores power. He grew rich and his influence over the Kings increased, as kings always need money and Lore was prepared to lend them huge sums. till finally he obtained an agreement that the King of Ireland should oversee the Isle of Mann. In truth the Isle was under Lore's protection and the druids florised again. Lore then proceeded to built his castle on the Calf of Mann where he resides even unto the present time

written by OldnGrey amended by Dain

Vale Island and Town

When Fintan had returned home and gathered all that wished to follow him they came to Caeria. The number was small to start with, a mere fifty or so souls, and Caeria was vast. So in his wisdom Fintan chose the Island of Vale for their first dwelling place. Thus it was that humans trod this beautiful land.

The island was an inspired choice; the long coastline made line fishing easy and a large cave system provided instant shelter, driftwood made good fuel and with food, shelter and warmth they settled down for the first night.

Morning saw the start of the founding of Vale Town. It was never going to be what anyone could call posh or upper class, it was just a place to settle while things improved then to move on. Driftwood and turfs made the first roundhouse and thus provided a place to craft and it was in these surroundings that a thing unique to Caeria was founded, Skills and crafts were not gender dependant if you could do the job you were left to get on with it. [This of course was for very practical reasons with women out numbering men by 10 to 1] Also this gave rise to the highly independent women of Caeria, with the flashing eyes and the toss of the long hair, that demanded more from men than others did and who would be the role models for every female to follow after them.

Time passed by and the number of dwellings grew, new skills were learned and old ones adapted things moved on in leaps and bounds, now could Fintan, with an established base behind him, move on to the mainland proper, here again he took only a chosen few but this time the mainland was settled and trading took place between the two settlements.

With the opening up of the mainland Vale became more and more of a backwater with people only visiting there for the four annual craft fares and this was the way things remained until the opening of the rift.

Although the arrival of the new races, in bulk, did not affect Vale directly, the arrival of an odd person now and then did. It seemed as if the Gods had plucked these travellers from other lands, and indeed, other worlds and placed them purposely in Vale. It was quickly realized that helping these travellers was beneficial to both parties and Vale once more started on the way up becoming the neat and modest town that it is now.

However there are rumours of a large Gold strike in another place and people are starting to get itchy feet: - Will Vale survive? That remains to be seen.

A story by Dain

On Dark Elves

Time Line – Caeria as it is now Place – The Golden Elf Inn in Tara

Ashon looked at the young dark elves seated around the table, there weren’t many of them just eight, but this was more of a fort than a town so he couldn’t expect more.

"Good morning," he said, "I am Ashon. Ryhssa has asked me to give you a lesson on the history of your race. So lets start by finding out what you do know already. Does anyone know why the Elves came to Caeria?"

All eight hands shot up and he picked one a random. "To escape the Drow." said one. Another said "The Elves wanted to live in peace and avoid the constant fighting."

"Yes those are very good answers, for that is what you have been taught. There is a bit more to it of course, but we won't go into that now." said Ashon, "And what do you know about the Drow?"

"Please Sir they are nasty wicked people that like to kill others, my father says that they should be wiped from the face of Caeria because they do lots of really naughty things."

"Good! They do have some very nasty habits, which I won’t go into now. But if I told you that Elves and Drow are related, would that be a shock?"

The stunned silence that followed told him that it would. He carried on, "They are like two sides of the same coin with the Elves being good and the Drow being evil. But there was one big difference; here on Caeria the Elves had difficulty having children while the Drow who came after them multiplied like rabbits, and soon there were far more Drow than Elves. Has everyone grasped that?" Heads nodded in reply around the table. "So the Elves built Avalone deep in the forest and managed to hold off the Drow there. Now you’re asking yourselves ‘What has this to do with me?’ well that’s the background to the whole thing. Is everyone clear about what happened?"

He paused waiting to see if there were any questions, there were none so he continued. "And where to Dark Elves come from?" said Ashon. "From the Elves," replied the class. "Well we say that the Drow were all wicked and evil but that was not the case. Some Drow had seen the way Elves lived and liked that way of living, I suppose we could call them ‘liberal’ Drow, but the hard-line Drow hated them and called them traitors to the Drow way of life. Well soon there was a largish band of the ‘liberal’ Drow who started to try and change other Drow to their way of peace and love for others. This was a step too far and the other Drow took to killing them on sight. So one night they all fled to Avalone and asked the Elves for protection. The Elves were only too glad to give it to them as they had heard about the strange Drow and it solved their problem of labour. They could use these new Drow for hunting and harvesting and manual labour while they themselves got on with the arts and crafts that they loved. So there was a two-tiered society Elves at the top and ‘liberal’ Drow at the bottom and it all worked very well, some of the Drow even becoming very rich.

"As I said Drow bred like rabbits while the Elves had fewer and few children, Elves had by now started to marry humans so the next step was for them to marry ‘liberal’ Drow, they were after all related. In no time at all there were children everywhere, darker than Elves but lighter than Drow and a new name was coined for them ‘Dark Elves’. Soon there was no room for everyone in Avalone and group of them headed for the coast and built this Fort here at Tara, till population pressure forced some to move down to what is now Derry, but remember Tara is the Dark Elves home. Also, and this is important, every single one of you has Drow forbearers. That is the end of this lesson. Any questions?"

The children were reeling from this revelation and there weren’t any.

"Just wait 'til I tell my dad" he heard from one of them, he smiled at Ryhssa and made his way back to his seat and a glass of ale.

A story by Dain.

Race History


The bard finished his song and placed his harp back beside him, took a sip of his ale and began to recount this tale.

"Far back in the mists of time did Fintan the Wise come from the east to Fair Caeria. Foremost among his tribe and beloved of the Gods boldly he strolled the fields forests and mountains, tasted the sweet crystal clear waters, breathed in the fresh flower scented air, watched as the salmon leapt as they fought their way upstream, and marvelled at the beasts of the fields.

"This would be a perfect place for himself and his tribe to live. Here was space in abundance, the forests would provide all the timber for building, there were ores in the mountains for metal work, sandy beaches for glass, clay to make pots and roof tiles, and gold and precious stones for the jewellery that his people loved. Indeed it was a paradise but one small problem still remained - the warriors that would follow him to this new land he could but count on one hand, the rest would be women, mainly widows from the ceaseless wars between tribes. How could he defend this new land?"

Here the bard cleared his throat and took another sip of his ale, then return to his tale.

"The answer was with the Gods, Fintan looked to the sky and asked, 'Will this land be mine and my descendents for ever?' The reply came back like the sound of a rolling thunderstorm 'As long as the sun and moon are in the sky then this land will remain yours and those who shall follow on from you. None else shall dwell here. This we promise.'

"So with this promise ringing in his ears Fintan returned home and gathered all that wished to follow him and they came to Caeria. Thus it was that the first humans trod this beautiful land. The number was small to start with a mere fifty or so souls but as time went by the numbers increased. Perhaps it was the magic that had something to do with this but families of ten or more became common within a few scant years. Young boys grew into brave warriors and craftsmen, young girls into beautiful women, who were also trained to fight if need be. A collection of huts became a village and soon a town, and thus was Cork established.

"Small villages sprung up all over Caeria as the population increased. Soon merchants travelled between these selling goods from the city and returning with food and other raw materials. These villages grew into towns and everyone prospered.

"Now other eyes were focused on Caeria and time and time again tribes jealous of the riches tried to invade the land but true to the Gods' promise each time they were driven back into the sea.

"All that dwelt there were happy. Art flourished and study of the magic took place, Bards and Mages wandered the land learning more and more of its secrets and a time of great prosperity was had by one and all. Around this time gold coinage was invented and the very rich became bankers with a bank in every town. Houses became mansions a sign of people’s wealth and status in society and all was good with life under Fintan the Wise.

"Then at the end of Fintan's long and prosperous rule came the time of the Sorceror but that is a tale for another day."

A tale by Dain.


Time Line - Around AS 100 Place - Caeria Background - Balin Leaf blade's Adventures (For fuller details of Balin read Alois Hammers "Dwarves and Druids" in the Player's Lounge forum)

Balin and his small group of Warders stood in awe as they looked around them. So this is where the elves had moved to, and no wonder. Elves and dwarves had always been friends but it was only lately that the elves had told Balin about the portal that led to this land. They looked on the lush green pastures that rolled away into large forests and above everything the mountains reared their lofty peaks. "This was the way the Malachite Mountains must have looked when they were first discovered." thought Balin. He hitched up his trousers and led the warders to a nearby rocky outcrop; here they examined the rocks to check for any ore that might be present. There were traces of iron and copper, so that was a good start as ore was the one thing they could not replace on the home world and supplies were running out.

Next they turned their attention to the nearby town. The elves had told Balin about the strange race that lived there; humans they called themselves.But the elves had said they were a friendly folk so now was the time to find out. Gripping their mauls tightly they walked into the town. People did stop and stare as they passed by but there was no sign of hostility. Balin was surprised at two things: first of all these people were tall, well to a dwarf anyway, secondly he was with filled wonder at why, with concentration, he could understand some of that they were saying. The language was much like his own. "Mummy why do those children have beards?" was a question he heard being asked. He turned in amazement and looked at the child then stroked his beard in wonder at which everyone burst into laughter. This broke the ice and people gathered around to see the newcomers.

"Metal?", he asked as he pointed to the swords that hung at the belts of some of the men folk. One of the men gestured for the dwarves to follow him and led the way to a small blacksmiths shop where the dwarves entered.

[Note the following took place in broken English and sign language. It has been converted for the reader's benefit]

A solidly built man was hammering away at the anvil, while two others were crushing rocks for the ore to be smelted. It was primitive by dwarven standards but at least it seemed to be working. "Do you mind if we look around?" asked Balin. "Help yourselves," came the reply. They did so, examining the various items that awaited polishing and sharpening, and Balin came to the conclusion that whilst the workmanship was pretty good, the metal could be improved.

Balin reached into his backpack and produced three bottles of finest dwarven ale which he handed to the humans. They sipped at it slowly at first but soon the bottles were empty. "This is wondrous stuff! Have you any more?" said the smith. Balin produced enough for everyone in the smithy and soon humans and dwarves were drinking ale together for the first time. And thus dwarven ale and amazing hangovers came to Caeria.

Balin pointed to the ore cart that stood beside the door. "Is ore like that hard to find here?" "No the mountains are full of it. It's easy to find and there are all kinds of ore out there, most of which I can use, but that stuff," he pointed to a small pile of pale silvery ore, "That's just rubbish. Find it sometimes in with the iron ore but can't do anything with it."

Balin's heart leaped at the sight - it was mithril! Now, even back in their home world, mithril was a very rare ore and one that the dwarves had worked with hard and long to learn its secrets. Yes it was easy to mine but smelting was another matter. Even in the dwarves' skilled hands over half the ore was lost, and the few ingots that had been obtained were very difficult to work, But it was far stronger and lighter than any other metal they had known, which made all their efforts worthwhile. If there was more here then this was the place to be. This made up his mind. They would return home and tell the clan leaders what they had found.

Having heard his report, the clans voted unanimously to move to Caeria and the dwarvish migration started.

A story by Dain.


Time Line - Caeria as it is now Place - The Forest around Avalone Background - Aynora, Elven clan master is addressing a group of Elves wishing to join the clan.

"Alright gather 'round. The reason we are in the forest today is because its difficult to take the archery test indoors but I can tell you that you have all passed," She said. "Over the past week you have all taken and passed the tests in taming, hiding and stealth, so I welcome you to the clan. Now it should be made clear that these are the basic standards you need to reach and you are going to need a lot more work on all of these. Then there is the little matter of clan fees as well. It will cost you 100 gold pieces a week to belong to the clan, but you can ask for quests to help you cover that and gain points for items you can't normally buy elsewhere. Knowing all this do you still wish to join?" The answers came in the affirmative.

"Good. Now there is one more thing I have to tell you before we return home, so sit down and make yourselves comfortable. You may eat and drink if you wish just as long as you listen." She waited while everyone became seated.

"What I am about to tell you is how Elves came to Caeria, around 800 AD as the himans here record time. Dovesi, Amanath, Draniel, Killian, Ocato and Fathis these are six names you must remember." Here she paused to let the names sink in. "For without these brave elves there would be no elves here at all. Back on the world we used to live on things were going seriously wrong, the Drow were growing in numbers and magic had diminished, so there were less and less Elves as we need magic for our numbers to grow. Anyway one day these six were exploring and came across a cave that none of them had ever seen before. They pressed on into the cave and at the end was a portal. Now were did it lead they didn't know but they made the decision to enter the portal.

"This would affect Elves forever. Dovesi and Fathis went first, for these were the best archers, whilst their friends wait to see what would happen. After what seemed ages, but in actuality only ten minutes, Fathis stepped back through the portal 'Come you have to see this,' he said excitedly and they all followed him back through the portal. What awaited them astounded them. The first thing they felt was the greater amount of magic present in the air more like it used to be at home. Then they beheld the sight of rolling green fields and proper ancient forests that seemed to go on for miles and miles. The only thing that seemed to spoil all this was a small town about a half a mile away. Who dwelt there and were they friendly? Well there was only one way to find out.”

"Using their hiding and stealth skills they moved in closer with bows always at the ready. Soon sounds of laughter reached their ears, true it was a little alien, but it was definitely laughter then wonders of wonders the sound of a harp and the blessed sounds of children playing. Ocato remarked that people that played a harp couldn't be that bad but they did need some lessons in playing So Amanath, Draniel, Killian, Ocato walked into the town whilst Dovesi and Fathis remained to cover them if they had to retreat quickly.”

"The people that lived in the town were that strange race called humans. Strange because even now after many generations we don't fully understand them, and the sight of the four heroes caused a silence to fall upon them and even the harp and children fell silent. But in spite of this not a hand was raised against the four. The humans did try and communicate but their language was rough to Elven ears and they did not understand the soft musical language of elves at all.”

"It was Ocato who solved the problem. He seated himself at the harp and began to play. The humans were stunned by the quality of his playing and the children gathered around the elves with no fear on their faces at all. They cheered and clapped when he had finished. Food and water were produced and given to the elves. The humans somehow failed to notice that what had been four now had become six elves as the others quietly joined in. Ocato started to play again. Thus was the first contact made between the two races aided by the language of music and the trust of children.”

"With the coming of night it was noticed that humans were deprived of a light source and were almost blind, so using the cover of night our six heroes slipped away. For a few weeks they travelled the countryside, visiting a human village now and then and always with the same result, indeed as news of their wanderings spread they found themselves made welcome in these places with food and water being provided in exchange for a few melodies played on a harp. Everywhere they went the children were the first to show trust.

"Finally they found themselves here in this forest which was perfect for the needs of their people. Now with their minds made up they travelled back to the portal and passed through, returning with the rest of the elves to this fair land and here we have lived ever since. Now it wasn't easy for those first few generations of settlers, first the Drow came, and always the magic was barely enough to maintain their population. Young elves became rare which lead to the interbreeding that made the half elves and dark elves.

"But then one night the moon appeared in the sky and magic increased at a rapid rate. Because of this our race has expanded again and I am glad to welcome you all to the clan. Erm one more thing don't forget to pay the clan dues."

A story by Dain

Half Elves

Time Line: - Between After Sorceror 1 [AS1] and After Lore [AL1] There is one sun in the sky and magic is becoming rare.

“Grandpa why are you and grandma different colours? I mean your sort of pinkish and she is blue. Mummy and daddy are the same light blue colour like me. Why aren’t you two?”

The question rocked the old man to the core, how could he explain it to his grandchild? He gathered his thoughts together and looked at his wife for help but she just smiled at him.

“Well you see its like this, I am a human and grandma she is an elf. Your mummy, our daughter, is what they call now days a half elf and so is your dad and so are you. Your little ones and their little one will be half elves as well, no matter who you marry.”

He sat back hoping that this would satisfy the youngster but he was wrong.

“But why are mummy and daddy half elves. Is part of them missing?”

He thought about this last question for a while before replying.

“Well I suppose in a way there is, Grandma is very good a magic but your mum is useless at it but out there in the forest she is terrific, she has all the skills you need to live there. I remember when I first met your Grandma, she had just killed a rabbit and was trying to make a fire to cook it on, and she wasn’t very good at that.”

Memories of that first meeting came unbidden to him now and he started to ramble on.

“I’d never seen anyone as beautiful and graceful as she was and when she spoke it was like music playing in her voice. I think I fell in love with her right then and there and I love her just as much today. I knew that I wanted her to be my wife right then and there but there was a problem in those days. Elves married elves and humans married humans, the races never mixed.”

“I fell in love with you too,” said his wife. “ So big and strong you were and so handsome and all that hair, it was long in those days.” She gave a little laugh, which sounded like bells tinkling.

“ Anyway,” the old man carried on. “I made a fire for her and we just sat and talked. Found out we liked a lot of things in common then I walked her home. That’s when the problems started, the way her family carried on you’d have thought that she had brought a goblin home with her, but on that long walk home we had agreed to see each other again and so we did. Now it wasn’t easy by any means, my family liked her but her family that was another matter; there was no way they would agree to us meeting, so in the end we ran away and got married by a tinker, he made us such lovely rings as well. Turned out we weren’t the only ones to do this, your daddy’s dad was an elf and he married a human, very pretty girl as I recall, but goblins killed them both when your daddy was still a young lad. Well after a couple of years the Gods blessed us with your mummy, she had a hard time growing up for although elves and humans had got closer together she was neither one or the other. Found out that humans accepted her for herself but elves didn’t want to know her I suppose that is what gives her the inner strength she has.

Then in time she met your daddy and we gave her a wondrous wedding for we were glad she had found happiness then the God’s blessed her with you, little one.”

"Don’t the Gods like elves then? There are more of us half -elves than them?"

His pipe had gone out and he slowly refilled thus gaining a few minutes of solid concentration then he resumed. "Ah it is the lack of magic in the world today that causes that. They need magic to have little ones. So marriages between elves and humans have become more common these days."

“What about dark elves, they are not like us are they?”

The old man chuckled, “That’s enough questions for now, it is time for our supper.”

A story by Dain

Dark Elves

Time Line – Caeria as it is now Place – The Golden Elf Inn in Tara

Ashon looked at the young dark elves seated around the table, there weren’t many of them just eight, but this was more of a fort than a town so he couldn’t expect more.

"Good morning," he said, "I am Ashon. Ryhssa has asked me to give you a lesson on the history of your race. So lets start by finding out what you do know already. Does anyone know why the Elves came to Caeria?"

All eight hands shot up and he picked one a random. "To escape the Drow." said one. Another said "The Elves wanted to live in peace and avoid the constant fighting."

"Yes those are very good answers, for that is what you have been taught. There is a bit more to it of course, but we won't go into that now." said Ashon, "And what do you know about the Drow?"

"Please Sir they are nasty wicked people that like to kill others, my father says that they should be wiped from the face of Caeria because they do lots of really naughty things."

"Good! They do have some very nasty habits, which I won’t go into now. But if I told you that Elves and Drow are related, would that be a shock?"

The stunned silence that followed told him that it would. He carried on, "They are like two sides of the same coin with the Elves being good and the Drow being evil. But there was one big difference; here on Caeria the Elves had difficulty having children while the Drow who came after them multiplied like rabbits, and soon there were far more Drow than Elves. Has everyone grasped that?" Heads nodded in reply around the table. "So the Elves built Avalone deep in the forest and managed to hold off the Drow there. Now you’re asking yourselves ‘What has this to do with me?’ well that’s the background to the whole thing. Is everyone clear about what happened?"

He paused waiting to see if there were any questions, there were none so he continued. "And where to Dark Elves come from?" said Ashon. "From the Elves," replied the class. "Well we say that the Drow were all wicked and evil but that was not the case. Some Drow had seen the way Elves lived and liked that way of living, I suppose we could call them ‘liberal’ Drow, but the hard-line Drow hated them and called them traitors to the Drow way of life. Well soon there was a largish band of the ‘liberal’ Drow who started to try and change other Drow to their way of peace and love for others. This was a step too far and the other Drow took to killing them on sight. So one night they all fled to Avalone and asked the Elves for protection. The Elves were only too glad to give it to them as they had heard about the strange Drow and it solved their problem of labour. They could use these new Drow for hunting and harvesting and manual labour while they themselves got on with the arts and crafts that they loved. So there was a two-tiered society Elves at the top and ‘liberal’ Drow at the bottom and it all worked very well, some of the Drow even becoming very rich.

"As I said Drow bred like rabbits while the Elves had fewer and few children, Elves had by now started to marry humans so the next step was for them to marry ‘liberal’ Drow, they were after all related. In no time at all there were children everywhere, darker than Elves but lighter than Drow and a new name was coined for them ‘Dark Elves’. Soon there was no room for everyone in Avalone and group of them headed for the coast and built this Fort here at Tara, till population pressure forced some to move down to what is now Derry, but remember Tara is the Dark Elves home. Also, and this is important, every single one of you has Drow forbearers. That is the end of this lesson. Any questions?"

The children were reeling from this revelation and there weren’t any.

"Just wait 'til I tell my dad" he heard from one of them, he smiled at Ryhssa and made his way back to his seat and a glass of ale.

A story by Dain.


“So you want to know about the Fomorians young one?” asked Dain. “Well this is what the clan chief told me.” He took a long pull at his pipe and started to tell the story.

“Where they come from only they know and they have never said. Anyway they arrived from over the sea in their dragon boats and invaded Cork. Now there wasn’t any really resistance to them, the folks were all taken by surprise and it takes time to get folks organised although Oakhammer tried. Anyway he brought just enough time for messengers to get out to the other races and tell them about the invasion, but by nightfall those black haired, dark skinned warriors both male and female that was another strange thing about them, were strolling round the town in them flamboyant clothes that they wears, fair hurts the eyes to see them sometimes. It took a while for them to settle in but it was soon clear what they had come for, the coal tar.

Mined away at it they did but not without cost, some dwarves fought them from cover, not really a dwarvish thing to do, but they had to get accustomed to the strange way them Fomorians used their rapiers, till finally them Fomorians had had enough.

Now they had explored the river in them long ships of theirs, even been up as far as Ardmore itself they had and that’s where they headed for next. Their thinking was to conquer the dwarves first then the other races would be easy to defeat.

But as they say the best laid plans don’t always work out. What they hadn’t counted on was the Nomads, now I don’t like them much but they are good fighters with them short bows any sturdy horses, well the Fomorians ran into them and got stopped dead in their tracks. It was a bloody battle and the Fomorians had heavy losses, a rapier can’t stop an arrow no matter how good its wielded, but the remnant pressed on.

Reaching Ardmore they were held at bay by the Dwarves and now their troubles really began. Blocked by the Dwarves in front of them, Nomads to the East of them and with their supply lines cut by the Humans, where could they retreat to? The forests were full of the Elven races just waiting for a chance to use their deadly bows on them. Did I tell you they were proud people? Well that’s what got them in the end. You can’t fight what you can’t see so dying in battle wasn’t an option; they could just stay there and starve to death, which wasn’t a honourable way to die. So the whole situation was one of stalemate they had overreached themselves and had to sue for peace terms and a honourable way out.

So that’s what happened - they gave up Cork and got Ashmere in exchange they did, lots of living room there and they would be a safeguard against the Goblins, so everyone came away satisfied.

Been at peace for many a long year now but folks still don’t fully trust them. Keep themselves to themselves they do so that might be the reason. Never heard of one marrying outside their race. I will say one thing for them though they do make good leaders.” He pulled at his pipe again.” Well that’s enough for tonight of to bed you go”

A tale by Dain.

Lore on Lore

Who is Lore

In 970AD a child was born on the Isle of Mann that would affect the course of the world, though no one knew that at the time. A weak scrawny child, who’s mother died giving birth to him, he amazing the Druids by his inner strength as he fought for life. So did Lore enter our history raised by the Druids his skill in Druidism leapt forwards at a rapid rate and 30 years latter was the only person able to translate Druidic Runes into the current language of the time. He travelled far and wide in his search for new runes and 1002AD found him a member of Brian Boru’s court. He was now 32 and no sign of the weak child remained, the years had been kind to him and a sturdy middle-aged man now stood there for all to see. Rated as one of the best scholars in the known world he was a friend of kings in England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland and had helped in the formation of treaties between these countries, and even manage to get the Vikings to come to Boru’s treaty table. A feat thought by many to be impossible. Thus did Lore become the power behind the throne.

Then one day a group of elves,Dovesi, Amanath, Draniel, Killian, Ocato and Fathis, sought audience with the King and brought tales of strange and dangerous monsters in the remote mountains of Ireland and talk of a rift between worlds that enabled them to pass through for the past then years. On hearing this a bell went of in Lore’s head and he remembered ancient runes that spoke of a Sorceror. He begged the King to let him investigate these tales, little knowing how long it would take him, and the King agreed. This was the last people saw of him for 12 long years and although Brian Boru sent out search parties for him no sign of Lore could be found. Then one day after strange happenings he reappeared at court having been living among the Elves and learning a great deal from them and the the Elves had been only to happy to keep him hiden.

Thus began the Age Of Druids by the men of Caeria although the Darkelves preferred to write their own history and thought of it more as the age of Magic. Either way, the land of Caeria changed once again as Lore closed the rift and returned the moon and the full magic again to the land.

As time past and the guilds grew so did Lores power. He grew rich and his influence over the Kings increased, as kings always need money and Lore was prepared to lend them huge sums. till finally he obtained an agreement that the King of Ireland should oversee the Isle of Mann. In truth the Isle was under Lore's protection and the druids florised again. Lore then proceeded to built his castle on the Calf of Mann where he resides even unto the present time.


Lore Meets the Sorceror

Lore Meets Sorceror The foundation story of Caeria, written by Adria and OldnGrey

Lore stared at the machine that sat on the floor in front of him, ‘finally it was complete’ he thought grinning broadly. Although it hardly looked as if it was ready to transport him to another world but he knew he had made it well and it would work, now he would follow in the footsteps of the Sorceror. He had spent years and countless hundreds of thousands of gold coins in search of its secrets. He had travelled the length and breadth of Caeria, learning the lost secrets of crafting and had faced many dangers in his relentless search for knowledge and rare artefacts. Now that it was ready, the possibilities were exciting indeed.

Many people had considered him a fool, thinking he was chasing after a ghost. His long journey had started with the discovery of an ancient cryptic tome, discovering its true meaning, then deciding that it was so important as to devote the next few years of his life to find its final secret. Now he would show them, he would bring back proof that everything he had believed was true. In a few moments he would walk the path of one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of Caeria. He would shock and stun the occupants of Caeria with the discovery of the fate of Sorceror.

First he prepared by casting a few of the more powerful augmentation and protection spells upon himself. Although he didn’t know what he would encounter in the new world he was confident that nothing would harm him. The cryptic tome hadn’t hinted at any danger, but some hidden alarm bell deep in his mind was telling him to take some precautions – just in case. Then he mounted his horse, checked that his backpack was secure and he was ready.

He reached down from his horse and activated the machine, suddenly the very floor under his feet started to move. His broad grin vanished and he rapidly became terrified for his life, thinking this was, in fact, his end. Now it had been activated, there was nothing he could do to stop the machine from functioning. He had never seen such power before; it was as if a giant was tearing the very earth from under him. Even his horse started to show signs of panic, but being a warhorse, held its position, even if somewhat unsteadily.

Suddenly, without warning there was a terrific explosion and flash of fire drained all his strength and energy. His final thought was that perhaps he didn’t know everything after all; and then he passed out.

He came to consciousness slowly, feeling very dazed and drained, as if the very life had been sucked from him. He noticed two things. The first, he was in a plain looking room with nothing much in the way of amenities. The second was that this place was not natural.

After lying still for a few minutes, Lore rose unsteadily to his feet and staggered to the open doorway. To his delight, just outside the door was his faithful horse nuzzling the strange looking grass, but not eating it. As he mounted, Lore noticed a variety of lower breeds of ratmen, ogres and the like in the distance. Not wishing to risk disturbing other possibly more powerful foes, he urged his horse into a canter away from them before they could trap him.

He proceeded cautiously, in awe of all that surrounded him: a new world! But then another thought popped into his head. His machine had gone so like it or not he has trapped in this new world until he could find a way back to Caeria.

Lore spoke to his horse gently, "You, have been with me a long time, old friend, and this must be one of our gravest challenges yet, so be strong. I know not what lies ahead. You must feel below par as well but let’s move on. However if it’s our time, we shall pass into the ether together." Upon hearing this horse gave a nod, seeming to understand the situation.

In the distance Lore noticed a building semi hidden behind some black trees. "That look like someone’s home!" he said quietly. “I wonder …… “ He proceeded at a gentle trot and it did not take him long to reach it. He noticed, that just like the building he had left, there was a large doorway but no door. He sat and pondered about what he should do now; he could hardly knock on thin air.

A strong clear voice rang out, "Ah, someone is foolish enough to be here. Well don’t just sit there, ride in. Its not safe to leave anything unattended out there.”

Lores heart jumped his journey was at an end, or was it? This was not going the way he had imagined. Standing in the middle of the small room was a small nondescript man with a long beard and dark cloak. His eyes sought and held Lore’s gaze and Lore was immediately struck by how old and very very serious his face looked.

The man continued. “I have waited a very long time for someone to follow in my footsteps. Can I assume you are from Caeria as it was once called?”

Held by his gaze, Lore replied, “Yes, it’s still called Caeria. I am called Lore. Are you? …. ?” Lore fell silent and the silence stretched for a minute.

“Yes, Lore, I am the Sorceror. You better get down from your horse and find somewhere to sit, I have a lot to tell you. Do not worry about your horse it cannot pass through the doorway on its own. So welcome to the world of Sci. Now tell me how fares the world of my birth and does Fintan still lead in Caeria?”

‘Fintan’ thought Lore, ‘this man knew Fintan!’ he hurriedly tried to recall what he had learnt about those times. “No Fintan died about 90 years after you had vanished. He never got over Danu the moon disappearing. Then the Elves, Drow and Dwarves appeared and I think he just gave up after that. Now with the appearance of countless other less friendly races arriving in Caeria over the years it has become crowded and threatens the existence of the humans who once lived there in peace.”

“Danu disappeared?” remarked Sorceror as this was the first he had learnt of that fact. “Now that would explain a lot of what has happened here.”

Lore found what passed for a chair and sat down. Once Lore was settled Sorceror began to talk, and for the next hour Lore heard a bigger, grander story than he had ever imagined; an unexpected story that was to change his life.

Sorceror spoke of his early life, centuries ago, of being a famous magician whose wisdom, as he modestly recounted, and his great learning made him a legend throughout Caeria. somewhat feared and somewhat respected by Fintan the Wise who was the leader of the tribes in Caeria. The empty land was at that time overflowing with magic with the Sun God Belenos and the Moon Goddess Danu overseeing all.

“Then I created a machine; the purpose of the which was to send the operator into another realm or world where greater knowledge was to be found. But before I operated it, I wrote of my studies and hid the information in such a way that ensured its finder had both to understand and be able to use the information it contained and it look young Lore as though you are that person.” He went on. ” Well machine worked as you are no doubt aware, it transported me here to Sci, as this world is called, a wonderful and magical place it was then, but it hadn’t stopped working and the effect was to fill me with more energy than I had ever known and the gateway had remained open providing a potential means to walk backwards and forwards between the two worlds. “

“So why didn’t you return to Caeria?” asked Lore.

“Well young Lore there was a problem. I would have returned to Caeria immediately but I discovered that the machine could only be used once. A new machine being needed each time and although I had found out that in this world I had become immortal and thus had plenty of time to do so but to return to Caeria would surely kill me before I could make another machine. As it became clear that I was destined to remain in this other world I resigned myself to wait for one who would find my scroll and follow me. However, even a patiently immortal Sorceror could scarcely imagine just how many centuries were to pass before a young man called Lore would find the scroll.” He cleared his throat. “In the meantime Sci was being drained of magic too and had become so debased that nearly all the inhabitants of this small world had found their way through the gate to Caeria. This left the world nearly empty and I have spent an ages exploring the world and gathering all the vast knowledge it contained. Magic doesn’t work here anymore but I have founded an alternative, which I will call Science after this world. It helps explain the how’s and why’s of the world. Using this I can now speculate on what has happened. You say Danu the moon has disappeared, well without the balance of sun and moon; much of the magic has been reduced in Caeria. Is that not so? A similar problem had occurred in here, in fact magic has completely vanished.”

Sorceror gave Lore time to come to terms with that information as his face changed from wonder, to shock, horror and then to wonder again.

“Yes its is true magic has become weaker, spells no longer work as they used to,” replied Lore. His face showed his astonishment. If Sorceror could come to this conclusion on the basis of one little fact then maybe this “Science” was worth studying. “This science skill could I learn it?” he asked.

“Ah I would willingly teach you but there is a problem. You cannot stay long in this world because the use of the second machine had a different effect. Now instead of bestowing immortality it was draining Lore’s remaining life away slowly but surely. However, the good news was that to return to Caeria would in fact make Lore immortal.”

Lore guessed this was all related to return of the moon but felt none the wiser about the reasons for the immortality and Sorceror hadn’t explained how he knew he had become immortal.

Sorceror paused for a while deep in thought, ”I can change the design of the machine so that the moon was not affected and therefore would not open the gate permanently. Because the moon was not affected, it seems that they would not change the mortality of those using it either. That is an easy thing to fix, however from here it would only take the operator a short distance to a place called Gateway; a wonderful, if dangerous, place from which to travel between different worlds. I urge you to explore it for yourself and find the doorway back to Caeria. “

Lore nodded. A few questions answered at last.

”Since you have closed the gate between the worlds the balance had been restored to the universe in many ways. However,” Sorceror then explained. “Much magic lore had been lost to the world of Caeria. So in return for your immortality, you should be prepared to make your life worth something.”

Lore looked wary, but Sorceror went on. “You don’t have much time. If you want to become strong again you must return to Caeria soon. But before you go, I urge you to be a guide to Caeria. Give your name meaning. Restore the lost arts of magic and the higher crafting skills to the land. Seek out those in the world who could rise above the rest and who would seek to complete the same journey as yourself. Each time they visit me I will give them a task and a reward that will strengthen them. They would become strong and fight against the hostile creatures in Caeria.

“Will you accept this charge?” asked Sorceror.

Lore stood for a few minutes and finally replied, “It’s not enough. I am the strongest mage and best craftsman in Caeria. Why should I help others to attain my level?”

Sorceror smiled sadly and said, “What is happening to the humans, all the elves and dwarves and the other friendly races? Are they winning the war against the hostile environment?”

Lore thought for a moment and said, “I see what you mean but we don’t like to admit it. We live in small settlements but the land is dangerous. Monsters of every type frequently overrun each town. There are only a few who dare leave the towns and the monsters breed again quickly. Yes, we are losing the fight.

“But I want a reward for devoting my life to teaching others. Long life can get tedious and those I teach will still die as fast as they are taught.”

Sorceror turned to look around the room. "I have all I need here. Knowledge is what I crave and eternity is not long enough for me to learn it all. I am content to remain here. What is it you crave?”

Lore looked around the room and paused. Finally he said, “Knowledge is good, but I still want more. Fame? I have it. Riches? I have none. I would seek riches.”

Sorceror looked at Lore again. “If money is what you crave, then I will send people to you to buy the rewards from my quests. But, there’s more; one more thing, in fact. You will need a lot of gold to run the guilds.”

“Run the guilds?” Lore said in astonishment.

“Yes”, smiled Sorceror. “You don’t think training and crafting guilds can run by themselves, do you? They don’t exist in the world because nobody has the skill to teach others. You have to set them up in each town and train them first, and equip them, and provide them with the goods they need to sell. Oh no, even if you charge twenty five thousand gold pieces for one of my quest rewards you will barely have enough for you to get even moderately rich in a hurry. Money, lots of money will be changing hands as everyone are trained and buy scrolls for their craftbooks. You will be rich, but not nearly as much as you think.”

Lore grinned at last. “I’ll do it. I don’t know when the first adventurer will reach you, but it will be done as you wish.”

Sorceror walked to a nearby machine and made a few adjustments. “I made this one just in case it would ever be needed. They need a name now I think Riftgate would suit them well. Go now, and hurry. I don’t know if we will see each other again, but we can stay in contact by other means. Take this bag of scrolls they will help you in your task. Farewell Lore and travel safely.”

Lore rushed outside and once mounted his horse he activated the machine. There was the now familiar explosion and flash of fire and he lapse into unconsciousness again thinking that a nice little castle on an island that would be just perfect…

To Be Continued. (see Lore starts the Guilds)

Amended by Dain 06/12 06

Lore Starts the Guilds

“Home at last,” sighed Lore. It had been a very long day but an exciting one. He thought back on just what had happened. He had found the Sorceror, which was what he had set out to do. Visited the strange place that was the Gateway, with its doors to many worlds, and luckily found the right one that had brought him back to Caeria. Now night was approaching fast and soon it would be time for bed. He lit a lantern and emptied the bag of scrolls onto the table. Suddenly piercing screams and the barking of dogs split the silence of the evening. He rushed outside to see what was causing this and skidded to an abrupt halt. There rising slowly and majestically into the evening sky was a sight only known from legend, Danu the moon had returned once more. The very air seemed to shimmer and dance as powerful magic once more returned throughout Caeria. Slowly the silence returned as a feeling of calm and well-being pervaded the land, Lore found himself feeling stronger and wiser than he had ever been. So Sorceror had been right about this and now Lore understood far better what his plans for the guilds meant. The future of Caeria depended on those plans working but right now he had better get some sleep.

Morning saw a new refreshed Lore; the night sleep had been the best he had ever had. After a hurried breakfast he turned his attention to the scrolls they covered all sort of things including elemental bonuses and resistances, poison protection, a strange one that helped when looting a corpse, a few inscriptions scrolls, and a few that seemed to promise more strength and so on. To start with Lore would have to make use of these scrolls that Sorceror had given him as a parting gift. These scrolls, he had been assured, would be the same ones that would be given to the adventurers that would follow after Lore and visit Sorceror.

Lore worked on the inscription scrolls and found they gave the secrets to some expanded crafting skills. Before too long Lore had made a nice set of rings that helped if he died, when marking runes, and when riding. But the most interesting find was the one that gave him the plans to make what was described as a "Mithril pickaxe". A few of the other scrolls mentioned Mithril, but gave no clue as to where to get it from or why a Mithril weapon was any better than a normal one. Lore was puzzled, these plans must be important in some way, otherwise why did the Sorceror give them to him.

For about a year he hunted high and low for Mithril but nobody had any idea what it was. He had made the Mithril pickaxe, it wasn't very difficult to make, but what did Mithril look like? The pickaxe seemed to have some sort of magic properties, because when he used it on a rock face, it seemed to only produce iron. The iron he could use in abundance, as it was the main ingredient in many things. Finally it was a chance meeting with a drunken Dwarven smith that gave him what he had been looking for, a pale silvery ore that Lore had seen before when using the pickaxe but had discarded as useless. It smelted just like iron in a forge, but seemed to require a surprising amount of care and skill to smelt. After a few hours of work, Lore found he had some cooled ingots of a very light but amazingly strong metal. Well at least now he had a pickaxe to be able to mine it, and he knew what it looked like, all he had to do was to collect enough of it. Searching through the plans he found ones for some weapons that used Mithril as well as some armour, which seemed to be based on plate mail. The Sorceror's plans also contained designs for every type of weapon class - even a bow and staff. But Lore was not surprised to see that making anything from this stuff called Mithril needed a lot more skill in its manufacture.

After some time, Lore made a Mithril sword and some armour. Even though it was lightweight and hardly slowed him down at all it did require more strength and skill to use properly. In the hands of a skilled fighter, Mithril made weapons were clearly superior. With this new equipment Lore found he tired less in battle and was able to absorb much more damage in return. This gave Lore the ability to even fight a lesser dragon. However, although a better fighter, he still had limits. This seemed to be more than a co-incidence and slowly Lore came to the understanding that Sorceror had planned many things without explaining them and it was up to Lore to see how things fitted together in the bigger plan.

For a long period of time thereafter, Lore roamed the land single-handedly attacking encampments of Nomads, Shabooli and other races that he had previously been unable to fight well or for long. It was during this time that he found that he to had become immortal recovering from wounds that would have killed a normal mortal. The loot on these monsters was useful as he was able to sell many of the items in towns. This plus the sale of items made from his steadily increasing pile of iron ingots made him reasonably rich and at last he could realize his dream and build his castle on an island.

He gained an audience with the Dwarven King and presented him with a Mithril sword inlaid with magical gems. This is when he got his first shock. “This is truly a work of art and we are most pleased,” Said the King. “We have made swords and such from Mithril ourselves but none has the skill and strength to be able to use them. So we have abandoned the idea. However what do you seek in return for such a gift?”

“I have an island and on that I wish to have a castle built. A strong castle but beautiful as well and as your race are the best workers of stone I wondered if we could come to an arrangement?”

“And what do you offer in exchange for our labours?” enquired the Dwarven King.

“Gold, Iron ingots and training in skills for those who you deem worthy.” Replied Lore.

“This is a fair offer indeed I shall send a party to see what needs to be done.”

And thus it was that over the next few years “Lores Island” as it was now known became a hive of activity. First docks had to be built to allow for the importing of the right kind of stone and food for dwarves are always hungry. An area was cleared and the foundations were started. At the same time a small town sprung into being to house the workers, this in turn led to the arrival of other craftsmen needed to complete the job

As Lore's reputation grew so did his plans for the formation of the guilds. First of all he would train people who would run the guilds, Guildmasters would be a good title for them he thought, they in turn, for a small fee, could train other people. Of those all who were worthy would eventually find their way to Lore, and some even would be good enough to get to Sorceror. ‘It was out of these two groups that I could finally make some money.’ he thought. This would be the fulfillment of Sorcerors grand design, to win back Caeria from the invaders. His mind raced ahead, what would get everybody interested in joining a guild? Social standing and vanity they seemed good reasons, people would have a title the more skilled they became. Yes he was certain that would work.

When more than a few of these craftsmen showed an interest in the skills and equipment possessed by Lore, he decided it was time to start recruiting for the guilds. He wandered amongst then noting those who where good enough for what he had planned, then he approached them most were eager to accept his offer and so the Guilds began.

Although Lore still spent some time hunting, he still needed the gold to pay the craftsmen, he was now spending a lot of his time training those that would eventually form the basis of the guilds. As the castle rose then so did the influx of other crafts and soon the guilds themselves covered many areas of life, from crafting, fighting skills and even woodsmen. It didn't happen overnight, but Lore had a long life ahead of him and he found to his delight that the guilds eventually ran themselves and became steeped in their own lores and traditions.

It was later argued that the guilds were the single most important thing that helped turn Caeria from a land besieged and overrun by monsters into a stronghold of human and allied races. Looking back, Lore realised that what he had done was the model that others would follow. Finally the castle was completed and craftsmen pleased with their work drifted back to the mainland, though some remained behind to increase their skills and rise within their chosen guilds. The population dwindled and the town became a place of Guildmasters under the keen eye of Lore.

Over the course of years Lore had risen in stature to the stage where what he said was accepted without question as law by the whole world. Many cultures carried the story of the knight in shinning armour and his magic sword. So he introduced the following laws.

1. A person can only join 2 guilds at first and after a difficult and often-deadly passage through the Cave of Trials that involves reaching Ennismore this would increase to 3.

2. The law of the land is that no member of a guild, past or present, shall harm or be harmed by another guild member, regardless of current guild status.

Of course Lore knew of a loophole in the first law that enabled people to join more than 3. He would enlighten people if they asked. For a price of course.

It took many years, but finally an elf dressed in armour with a strong looking bow across his back came to Lore and asked him the question he had longed to hear - "What's all this about joining more than three guilds?"

A story inspired by Leighton, written by OldnGrey. Amended and expanded by Dain 09/12/06

William and Seth

Now be it known that in the years between Lores return to Caeria and the time that’s is now Lore courted and took to himself a human wife. Great was their love for each other and many years of happiness did they spend together. Finally their union was blessed with twin boys and their happiness was complete. The years rolled by and Lore noticed that while he did not age his beloved wife did and the twins, while aging slower than ordinary people, grew older with the passing years. Finally in her eightieth year, and with a fare well kiss, his wife departed from the world leaving behind a heartbroken and grief stricken Lore. Lore vowed at this time that never again would he visit the curse of his immortality, for that is how he saw it, on another woman, no matter how fair and comely he found her, but would live the rest of his life on his own even if this continued until eternity. So to this end he summoned his sons to him, who stopped aging after reaching their mid twenties, and gave them the wherewithal to make their way in the world as he had done. Then he retired to his castle for a life of solitude and grief.

Now what of the twins, in looks they were alike as peas in a pod but in temperament as different as chalk and cheese. William was the kindly one always ready to help others while Seth thought only of himself.

William became the human face of Lore spreading the word of the guilds to the other races, understanding the Sorcerors grand plan for Caeria and his father’s role in it. As Lore became more and more a recluse, William became friendlier and always happy to help people in what every way he could. To this end he arranged for a gate to be placed at the end of a long cave, which established a link between Vale to Ennismore and thus was the Cave of Trials created. For those brave and bold enough to pass through he rewarded them with the means to join a third guild of their choice. Content with his lot he settled on a small farm in Ennismore and a simple, but for him, enjoyable life style. Although not a warrior he does have the remarkable power to be able to unite the people of Caeria when threatened with danger.

But Seth, driven on by greed and avarice and jealous of his father’s wealth, took a darker path. Denied of the riches and life style he thought should be his by right he moved from place to place, constantly changing his name, and leaving a trial of misery and woe behind him. Village fighting village, town fighting town, full-scale wars and invasions Seth was always there somewhere lurking in the background. If there was a way to make money out of unrest and misfortune then Seth learnt them all. A robbery here, a murder there, bribery, corruption, selling arms, financing armies, as long as he made a profit he didn’t care and the fate of those he backed he cared even less about, there was always someone else who needed his services. So as time passed so did his wealth increase but to what end? Without a place to call his own he, and his small band of mercenaries and assassins, were always on the move. Sleeping on mud floors in a peasant’s village one night and in the well-appointed beds is a king’s palace the next. There was but one-way to go. With the deaths of his brother and father Caeria would be leaderless and the band of warriors that opposed him would become mere rabble to be picked off one by one. With that done all Caeria would be his for the taking. All others were just pawns in the great chess game that he planned, they would take the risks while he remained commanding from the shadows.

Note: - When Lore discovered the path that Seth had chosen to walk through life he was completely horrified that a son of his could turn to the dark side. From then on he refused to recognize that Seth was a son of his and forbade all mention of him. From that day on William was the only son that Lore would admit to.
