Magic Skills Overview

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Magic Skills

Name Description NPC Guilds who train this skill Do merchants offer jobs in this skill? Races with Skill Bonus/Penalty
Arcane Most Arcane spell users are also skilled in Alchemy or Inscription or both. Arcane spells are offensive battle spells. You can cast when wearing any armour. Casting can be done from the spellbook or by using scrolls Arcane No Halfelf -8
Druid (Animal Lore) Druidism is the art of magic from nature. You need druid runes, a druid staff and a rune bag to cast druid spells. The basics are given to you when you join the guild. Additional or replacement Runebags and druid staves can be obtained north of Avalone. You need five serpent skins for the runebag and five reaper heartwoods for the druid staff. Druid None
Magery Most Mage spell users are also skilled in Alchemy or Inscription or both. Magery spells are mostly used for travel, boosting stats and protection. You can cast when wearing any armour. Casting can be done from the spellbook or by using scrolls Mage No Halfelf -8
Necromancy The dark side of magic has many different spells which are divided into two categories: Lesser Chants and Greater Chants. You need a "Codex Damnorum" to inscribe your necromancy scrolls into. You get this when you join the guild. There are also different reagents that need to be collected for casting necro spells. There is only one Necro guildmaster in the land near Ivy. Necromancy No Halfelf -8
Elf -8
Human -8
Invocation Invocation, allows the caster's to estimate the intelligence of a creature. The other function can increases the effectiveness of attack and "buff" spells. A high invocation skill level allows you to make your spells more effective. Magery
No Halfelf -8
ItemIdentification Used to identify magic gems to see what they are. You cannot use an unidentified gem. Magery
Yes None
Magic Resistance Magic Resistance reduces the amount of damage done to you when in battle with a spell caster. You can’t fully “deflect” magic spells, but lessening the spell is better than taking it head on. If the opponent casts a spell and they have high invocation it’s harder for you to block their spell. Swordsman
Yes Halfelf -8
Dwarf +10
Meditation Meditation allows you to regain mana quicker than the normal recovery rate. But it limits you to using studded leather armour, bone armour and leather armour. Wearing full metal armour will prevent you from using Meditation. The message "You're equipment prevents you from using that!" will show up. Your concentration while meditating can be broken by movement and being attacked. Magery
Yes Human -8
Halfelf -8
Darkelf +10
Morphing When you use the skill it will attempt to change you into an animal for a short while. The more Morphing skill you have, the 'cooler' the animal will be. Whilst morphed you will not be attacked as long as you stay out of warmode or use certain skills. You will be warning if this could happen. This is obviously useful for scouting. Druid No None
Poisoning Poisoning can be used to poison weapons. Poisoning is considered an evil skill and will lower your virtue level. All weapons can poisoned, except arrows and bolts. There are different levels of poisoning potions (e.g. deadly poison potions). If you are interested in having a negative title, poisoning will lower your virtue. Alchemy
Yes Elf -8
Fomorian -8