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Public Transportation

There are a number of ways to travel the lands without using magic or relying on various items.
In the major towns, there are Ship Captains and Carriage Drivers, who will for a small fee,
transport you to a number of towns; though different ones travel to different destinations,
you can travel to all of the towns in this manner.

Crystal Balls

Crystal Balls (crafted by specialist tinkers) can be given to Black Robe/Master NPC's.
They will (for a small fee) mark the crystal ball so that they will summon you if you use it.
These are in every major town, Vale Island, and also the Gateway.
The Crystal Ball will have 10 charges before it runs out; and it will be destroyed.

Magical Travel

Magic users have a variety of traveling options.

Magery allows you to mark runes and create moongates to various destinations.
Note that you need a Ring of Runes to mark runes anywhere besides the marking shrines of the mainland towns.

Druids have the option to summon people to them, from wherever they are.
A green moongate will appear at the target's location.
Note that you cannot summon to and from the Rift or Gateway.

Paladins have the Sacred Journey spell, which allows them to target a marked rune,
or runebook, and teleport to the desired destination instantly.


The Recall spell is unique here.
Casting Recall brings up a menu, where you can teleport to and mark destinations.
Initially only one slot is available, and it is marked for Vale Island.
Through the menu you can unlock the additional 4 slots, for a total of 5 destinations to mark.
NOTE: You still require a Ring of Runes to mark anywhere other than marking shrines.