Other Skills

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Skills Overview

Name Description NPC Guilds who train this skill Do merchants offer jobs in this skill? Races with Skill Bonus/Penalty
Armslore Used to see the condition of a weapon or armour or clothing.
There are 2 components - the amount of HP left on the item,
and also an indicator as to how many times the item has been repaired.
It is always a good idea to keep your weapons and armour in good repair.
Worn items are not as effective.
Yes None
ArcaneFocus This skill enables Critcial Hits for your arcane magic spells.
A level of 100 will give you a 30% chance of a critical hit.
A critical hit will give you a 50% damage bonus.
Arcane No None
Camping Lighting a campfire will increase your health, stamina and mana recovery rate.
To know you're getting benefit from your campfire,
the message "Now that’s a fire!" should appear when lighting it.
If you get the message "That’s not a very good fire"
this means you are not getting any benefit from your fire.
The higher your skill in Camping, the quicker the recovery rate.
No Halfelf +10
Cartography Cartography allows you to read maps and decode them.
It also allows you to write maps. There are three different types of maps.
They are: Detailed, Regional and World Maps.
World maps are quite useless as they're too small in scale,
but still useful in gaining the skill
Scribe Yes Dwarf -8
ForensicEvaluation This skill is used to determine how many times you can resurrect a dead henchman.
It does not effect other players or pets. The Resurrection and Noble Sacrifice spells can resurrect henchman
up to 50 times if you have 100 forensiceval skill.
If you have very little forensicevaluation skill then your leadership
skill is used for a maximum of 25 resurrections at 100 skill.
If you use the forensicevaluation skill on an npc corpse
it will tell you how many times it has been resurrected.
No None
Healing This skill allows you to use bandages to heal wounds.
You can do it anytime whether you're in battle or you are in town.
Healing is quite useful in battle so you can heal other players instead of using heal potions.
Yes Human -8
Invocaton This skill is the power or your attack arcane spells.
The higher your skill (including specialisation) the more damage you will do.
No None
Leadership Leadership is a good skill to have as a warrior so you can hire henchmen.
The strength, dexterity and intelligence of your henchmen depend on your Leadership skill level.
Leadership No None
Riding The Riding skill is checked when trying to get on the animal
and determines whether you succeed and how long you can stay mounted.
Woodsman No None -
Tracking Tracking is a useful skill to try to find a creature or person further away from you.
Your chance of finding something to track is based on your skill.
At 60% skill you can track creatures that are 30 tiles away.
At 80% skill you can track creatures that are 36 tiles away and
at 100% skill you can track creatures that are 43 tiles away
No Halfelf +10
Veterinary Veterinary skill is checked whenever you use bandages on a pet or henchman.
The amount of healing is increased, but since
it is a random number, expect it to be about 40% more on average.
This skill is also checked to determine
how many times you can resurrect a pet with the spell or bandages.
For a Veterinary skill of 100 you can resurrect a pet 10 times.
Wands can only resurrect a pet 5 times.
No None