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Skill Titles

  • Used for your paper doll, henchies, skill gump and craft scrolls.
  • The title is a prefix, it will be based on what guild you are in. I.e. a Skilled Alchemist, or Master Rogue.
    The title is calculated from the average of the main skill + your highest 2 skills from the skills that guild trains.
  • You can select the guild you want displayed in your title from the CHARACTER gump.
Skill Title
0 Unskilled
10 Beginner
20 Amateur
30 Neophyte
40 Novice
50 Initiate
60 Apprentice
70 Proficient
80 Journeyman
90 Skilled
100 Master
110 Grandmaster

Virtue Titles

  • This title will be visible on your paperdoll, before your name.
  • There are positive and negative virtue titles. Various actions or skills will either increase or decrease your virtue.
  • If you are in your race's Clan, the title will be worded differently.

Positive Virtue Titles

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Honorable "
Above 400 "The Commendable "
Above 800 "The Admirable "
Above 1600 "The Reknowned "
Above 3200 "The Famed "
Above 6400 "The Noble "
Above 12800 "The Illustrious "
Above 25600 "The Glorious "
Above 51200 "The Magnificent "
102400 or above "The Triumphant "

Negative Virtue Titles

Amount Title
Below -102400 "The Dread "
Below -51200 "The Evil "
Below -25600 "The Sinister "
Below -12800 "The Vile "
Below -6400 "The Ignoble "
Below -3200 "The Malicious "
Below -1600 "The Dastardly "
Below -800 "The Dishonorable "
Below -400 "The Unsavory "
Below -200 "The Rude "

Human Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Honorable "
Above 400 "The Commendable "
Above 800 "The Admirable "
Above 1600 "The Reknowned "
Above 3200 "The Famed "
Above 6400 "The Noble "
Above 12800 "The Illustrious "
Above 25600 "The Glorious "
Above 51200 "The Magnificent "
102400 or above "The Resplendent"

Half Elf Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Cloaked "
Above 400 "The Mysterious "
Above 800 "The Cryptic "
Above 1600 "The Shadowy "
Above 3200 "The Veiled "
Above 6400 "The Shrouded "
Above 12800 "The Unseen "
Above 25600 "The Legendary "
Above 51200 "The Mythical "
102400 or above "The Fabled "

Elf Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Fair "
Above 400 "The Flawless "
Above 800 "The Righteous "
Above 1600 "The Virtuous "
Above 3200 "The Adorable "
Above 6400 "The Beautific "
Above 12800 "The Ethereal "
Above 25600 "The Perfect "
Above 51200 "The Supreme "
102400 or above "The Paramount "

Darkelf Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Honoured "
Above 400 "The Adored "
Above 800 "The Admired "
Above 1600 "The Blessed "
Above 3200 "The Exalted "
Above 6400 "The Revered "
Above 12800 "The Sacred "
Above 25600 "The Divine "
Above 51200 "The Sacrosanct "
102400 or above "The Hallowed "

Dwarf Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "The Fearless "
Above 400 "The Bold "
Above 800 "The Courageous "
Above 1600 "The Heroic "
Above 3200 "The Daring "
Above 6400 "The Grand "
Above 12800 "The Valiant "
Above 25600 "The Valorous "
Above 51200 "The Stouthearted "
102400 or above "The Indomitable "

Fomorian Clan

Amount Title
Above 200 "Cadet "
Above 400 "Senior Cadet "
Above 800 "Soldier "
Above 1600 "Veteran Soldier "
Above 3200 "Honour Guard "
Above 6400 "Patrol Leader "
Above 12800 "Strike Leader "
Above 25600 "Force Leader "
Above 51200 "War Commander"
102400 or above "War Chief "

Clan Titles

When you join your respective racial Clan, you will be able to start earning Clan Points.
These points can be used to buy items from your Clan Shopkeeper in Ivy.
Your total points earned over time will add up and grant you the following additional titles:

Human Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Clan Initiate "
Up to 1000 points "Clan Freeman/Freewoman "
Up to 2000 points "Clan Franklin "
Up to 4000 points "Clan Woodsman "
Up to 10000 points "Clan Lieutenant "
Above 10000 points "Clan Leader "

Elf Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Lore Initiate "
Up to 1000 points "Lore Tracker "
Up to 2000 points "Lore Protector "
Up to 4000 points "Lore Builder "
Up to 10000 points "Lore Master "
Above 10000 points "Deep Lore Leader "

Half-Elf Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Ranger Trainee "
Up to 1000 points "Ranger "
Up to 2000 points "Hunting Master "
Up to 4000 points "Grand Tracker "
Up to 10000 points "Bow Sniper "
Above 10000 points "Forest Ghost "

Darkelf Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Lore Initiate "
Up to 1000 points "Lore Seeker "
Up to 2000 points "Lore Protector "
Up to 4000 points "Lore Maker "
Up to 10000 points "Lore Keeper "
Above 10000 points "Deep Lore Owner "

Dwarf Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Clan Newcomer "
Up to 1000 points "Clan Journeyman/Journeywoman "
Up to 2000 points "Clan Craftsman "
Up to 4000 points "Clan Protector "
Up to 10000 points "Clan Captain "
Above 10000 points "High Lord/Lady "

Fomorian Clan

Amount Title
Up to 500 points "Clan Newcomer "
Up to 1000 points "Clan Member "
Up to 2000 points "Clan Lieutenant "
Up to 4000 points "Clan Official "
Up to 10000 points "Clan Counsellor "
Above 10000 points "Clan Leader "

Honor Titles