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Becoming a Necromancer

  • The first step is to join the Necromancy guild. There is only one Necromancy Guildmaster in the realm, located North of Ivy.
    Upon joining the guild, you will receive a Codex Damnorum and lich/necro staff.
    The Necromancy Guildmaster also sells necromancy reagents in small amounts.
    NOTE: To equip your lich staff, you must have at least 30 skill in staves.
  • To fill up your Codex Damnorum you must obtain Necromancy Scrolls,
    which can be found in loot, or crafted by a specialist scribe.
    The Inscription Utilities menu has the option to inscribe a Necromancy scroll into the Codex.

Necromancy Guide

Spell Mana required Skill required Power Words Ingredients required Effect
Commune 6 31 Dice 1 Bone
1 Volcanic ash
This spell allows the necromancer to communicate with the dead. The player can also use the necromancy skill directly from the skillgump to achieve the same result.
Animate Dead 6 31 Corpus Sine Nomine Expergefaceret 1 Bone
1 Vial of blood
1 Fertile dirt
Creates a Zombie from a corpse. The better the corpse you cast this on, the better the zombie
Control Undead 9 43 Nutu Magistri Supplicare 1 Blood spawn
1 Spider's silk
1 Mandrake root
Cast on an undead to tame it. You are able to tame blood liches and lich lords. There also doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of undeads you can have tamed at any given time, but they will return to "wild" after awhile. Note that if you bring the undeads to town the guards will attack them and turn you into a criminal even though the undeads are blue
Sacrifice 11 54 Animus Ex Corporis Resolveretur 1 Blood spawn
1 Sulphurous ash
1 Mandrake root
1 Black pearl
Explodes a tamed creature. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'
Spectre's Touch 11 54 Enervare 1 Executioner's cap
1 Brimstone
1 Daemon bone
This spell actually transfers STR, DEX and INT from a target and and infuses the caster with long-duration stat buffs. (At 106 Necromancy skill the buffs last 1 hour and 49 minutes.) I haven't tried this spell on a player so I can't verify whether the target actually loses stats.
Kill 40 88 Ulties Manum Necarent 1 Daemon bone
1 Dragon's blood
Executioner's cap
Target Dies. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'. However, since this is too powerful, you cannot target another player with this spell.
Raise Dead 14 66 Manes Turbidi Sollictique Vocam 1 Bone
1 Vial of blood
1 Brimstone
1 Spider's silk
Summons 2-4 low level melee undeads. Can only be cast approximately once every minute. Does not require a corpse to cast.
Wraithform 20 77 Manes Sollicti Mihi Infundite 1 Daemon bone
1 Brimstone
1 Blood spawn
1 Bat wing
Transforms the caster into a ghoul, not a wraith as the name suggests and it doesn't do poison damage. While in wraithform the caster damages the health of and drain mana from all nearby mobs. Has a short duration. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'
Transfusion 20 77 Nutu Magistri Se Compellere 1 Vial of blood
1 Mandrake root
1 Ginseng
Drains a small mount of health (roughly 10-30 HP) from a target and replenish the caster with that amount. The amount of HP drained does not scale up with the target's STR. This spell is not worth using on a regular basis due to the rarity of the reagent. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'
Summon Spirit 40 88 Manes Turbidi Sollictique Resolverent 1 Daemon bone
1 Brimstone
1 Dragon's blood
1 Blood spawn
Summons 2-4 low to middling level spellcasting undeads (wraiths, liches and even vampire mages). This spell is actually not that great, because the liches and vampires are too fond of Chain Lightning, which will hurt them and yourself. And like Raise Dead, this spell can only be cast approximately once every minute and doesn't require the presence of a corpse
Liche 50 100 Umbrae Tenebrae Miserere Animi Non Digna Ferentis 1 Daemon's bone
1 Dragon's blood
1 Blackmoor
1 Executioner's cap
1 Nightshade
This is a slightly more powerful version of Polymorph but lasts significantly longer. (Lich was cast with 110 Necromancy and 120 Invocation and the buff lasts 3 hours and 31 minutes.) The spell turns the caster's skin red. It's very difficult to cast and failure will occasionally kill the caster. Additionally casting Lich via the Codex creates a lich staff if the caster is not armed with one. Note: a specialist Necromancer will not kill the caster.
Plague 50 100 Fluctus Puter Se Aresceret 1 Dragon's blood
1 Blood spawn
1 Serpent's scale
1 Nightshade
Plague does poison damage to every mob within your viewable distance. I run SQ in 800x600 resolution and this spell occasionally hits targets slightly beyond this range. The poison is mildly powerful, but the range and multiple targets it hits is extremely nice. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'.
Frost Field 14 66 Umbrae Tenebrae Venarent 1 Serpent's scale
1 Black pearl
1 Spider's silk
Frost field. Does 'Cold' damage. Sorceror reward Cold Damage boosts damage
Darkness 9 43 Nox 1 Blackmoor If cast on yourself or another player, this spell will turn your screen completely dark. A simple Nightsight spell or potion will fix that. I'm not sure how this spell actually works on mobs. When under the effect of Darkness a mob will cease any attacks on you and will just stumble about as if they can't see you. Any subsequent attacks from you (including pets and provocation) will alarm the mob to your presence
Release 11 54 Nutu Magistri Se Resolvere 1 Bat wing
1 Nightshade
1 Executioner's cap
Same as Kill but only for Undead. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'
Wraith's Breath 14 66 Manes Sollicti Mi Compellere 1 Daemon bone
1 Brimstone
1 Blood spawn
It's an area-effect mana drain spell. I can't verify whether it drains mana from the closest target or from all targets close to the caster. Does damage type of 'Pure Magic'

Using Necromancy
