Combat Skills

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Combat Skills

Name Description NPC Guilds who train this skill Do merchants offer jobs in this skill? Races with Skill Bonus/Penalty
Parry Parrying is a good skill to have when using shields. Every time you are struck, this skill is checked.
If successful, you get the AR bonus from your shield.
This skill works fine as a secondary or primary, depending on personal preference.
No Elf +8
Darkelf +8
Tactics Tactics helps you determine how much damage you do with a successful blow.
The more damage you do, and the quicker you can kill your opponent.
No Human +10
Halfelf +10
Dwarf +10
Battledexterity This skill temporarily increases your dexterity when in a battle.
This has the effect of increasing your weapon speed.
The higher your Battle Dexterity skill, the faster your weapon speed becomes.
No None
Anatomy Anatomy is linked with your healing skill. It allows you to heal quickly and resurrect players.
Anatomy raises intelligence and if your healing and anatomy levels add to 80 or more you are able to attempt to resurrect.
Anatomy can also be used on a monster to get the ‘Level’ of the monster. Levels are shown from 10 to 160.
You can use it as a rough guide to your ability to kill it.
Yes Human +10
Staves When using a staff, this skill is checked to deternine if you hit or miss Staves No Darkelf +10
Macefighting When using a blunt weapon like a hammer, this skill is checked to deternine if you hit or miss Maces No Dwarf +10
Archery When using a bow or crossbow, this skill is checked to deternine if you hit or miss Archery No Elf +10
Halfelf +10
Fencing When using a weapon with a pointed tip, this skill is checked to deternine if you hit or miss Fencer No Fomorian +10
Swordsmanship When using a weapon with a edge, this skill is checked to deternine if you hit or miss Swordsman No Human +10

Note: You will need some staves skill to hold a mage, druid or necro staff