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Created page with "=Magic System= This page explains how to use the magic system or enchanting items The new magic system only effects how items are made into magic items. They are still named..."
Playsia (talk | contribs)
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=Magic System=
=Magic Gem System=

This page explains how to use the magic system or enchanting items
This page explains how to use the magic system or enchanting items
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* A manastone transfers magic and other properties from one item to another. Generally this works as expected, however, be aware that the item is still what it looks like. Transferring from a Mithril Staff to a Shepherd's Crook is NOT a good idea as it's still a shepherd's crook and still does the same damage as a normal shepherd's crook but with magic added. You would end up with a good shepherd's crook named as a mithril staff.
* A manastone transfers magic and other properties from one item to another. Generally this works as expected, however, be aware that the item is still what it looks like. Transferring from a Mithril Staff to a Shepherd's Crook is NOT a good idea as it's still a shepherd's crook and still does the same damage as a normal shepherd's crook but with magic added. You would end up with a good shepherd's crook named as a mithril staff.
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Calculate regen rate:
Calculate regen rate:

Latest revision as of 11:27, 19 January 2020

Magic Gem System

This page explains how to use the magic system or enchanting items The new magic system only effects how items are made into magic items. They are still named and the effects are the same as the old WoD system.

  • Collect Gems from corpses, guard quest rewards, Message In Bottles, locked chests, or treasure chests, or from world off Gateway to other Worlds, and even from mining (if a specialist miner)
  • Each type of Gem has a colour and a type of magic:

Magic Gem Colours

Yellow Clothes, Armour, Weapons, Shield, Musical Instrument Skill bonus.
  • Note: Yellow gems go on specific types of items - eg a Fencing gem could only go on a rapier, a musical gem can only go on a musical instrument
Green Armour, Shield Armour bonus
Purple Clothes, Armour, Weapon, Shield Hit Points bonus
Red Weapon Damage bonus
White Weapon Special weapon effect
Grey Weapon Race specific damage bonus
Blue Clothes, Armour, Weapons, Shield Spell charges.
  • Note: some Blue Gems need to go on a specific item - eg flametongue will only go on a weapon
Special Gems: Fire, Frost or Energy Gem Weapon Turns the weapon into an elemental weapon of the same type, but only if there is already a white Gem on it

  • When found, a Yellow, Green, Purple, Red, White, Grey or Blue Gem needs to be identified before you can do anything with it. Use the itemidentification skill on the magic Gem which will show you a lot of information about any magic item
  • A Fire, Frost or Energy Gem is found by a specialist miner when mining ore.
  • In each town there is a Magic Dealer. You can hand in low grade junk Gems (except for Fire/Frost/Energy) in return for points. You get 1 point for each level of the Gem
  • The points are used to help you buy Magic Oil which is used to put each of the Gems onto the item to make it magic
  • Yellow, Green, Purple and Red Gems have 5 levels which determines how good that magic effect is
  • Magic Oils come in 5 levels. Each level can only add a Gem of the same level or lower
  • A Fire, Frost and Energy Gem are all considered level 5 when it comes to using a Magic Oil

Magic Oil

1 20 500
2 40 1000
3 60 5000
4 80 10000
5 100 50000
  • Each magic oil can be used 5 times to add a Gem to an existing new magic item, exceptional item, or masterpiece item
  • When you add the Gem, the name of the magic item changes. Here is how to read the item name:

Gem Levels

Gem Type Gem Level Bonus Name
Yellow (skill bonus) 1 2 lesser
2 4 minor
3 6 moderate
4 8 great
5 10 prime
Yellow - Musical Instrument effectiveness (can only go on musical instrument) 1 2 Sonority
2 4 Accord
3 6 Melody
4 8 Harmony
5 10 Consonance
Green (AR bonus) 1 2 defence
2 4 guarding
3 6 protection
4 8 fortification
5 10 invulnerability
Purple (HP bonus) 1 hp/5 + 10 fine
2 hp/5 + 20 durable
3 hp/5 + 30 rugged
4 hp/5 + 40 tempered
5 hp/5 + 50 indestructable
Red (Damage bonus) 1 1 quality
2 2 might
3 3 maiming
4 4 power
5 5 destruction
White (added weapon efffect - 2 allowed if one is Vampirism) 5 - Permalightning
5 - Permafireball
5 - Permaharm
5 - Vampirism
Grey (species damage bonus) 4 33% Silver
4 33% Dragon slaying
4 33% Vampire slaying
4 33% Troll slaying
4 33% Drow slaying
4 33% Giant slaying
4 33% Terathan slaying
4 33% Goblin slaying
3 33% Diablo slaying
4 33% Human slaying (covers evilhumans, smugglers, shabooli, and nomads)
Blue (Spell charges) 3 random charges Sneaking
3 random charges Regeneration
3 random charges Magic reflection
3 random charges Poison protection
3 random charges Fire resistance
3 random charges Frost resistance
3 random charges Electrical resistance
3 random charges Feeblemindedness
3 random charges Clumsiness
3 random charges Weakness
3 random charges Harming
3 random charges Flametongue (fireball)
3 random charges Cursing
3 random charges Lightning
3 random charges Paralyzation
3 random charges Dispelling (mass dispel)
3 random charges Draining (mana drain)
Fire, Frost or Energy Gem 5 Turns weapon elemental elemental
  • You can only put 1 of each colour on an item. ie you can't stack and add bonuses (exception - you can add a white vampirism gem to a weapon already containing another white gem)
  • If you no longer want the Gems on an item, buy and use a Magic Remover Oil obtainable from Lore or William. When used the oil removes ALL Gems from the item and places them in the top layer of your backpack. The only gem you don't get back is the Fire/Frost/Energy Gem.
  • You can only remove the Gems 3 times from an item

Elemental Gems

Adding Fire / Frost / Energy Gems to a weapon to make it Elemental
Requirements: You need 4 things to make an elemental melee weapon:
  • Level 5 Magic Oil
  • Weapon already containing a PermaFireball, PermaHarm, or PermaLightning White gem
  • Essence of Flame, Essence of Frost or Essence of Electricity
  • Fire, Frost or Energy Gem
Matching Ingredients You can only successfully make a weapon elemental if all 3 items are the same type.
  • A Fire Gem requires an Essence of Flame and a weapon with a PermaFireball white Gem
  • A Frost Gem requires an Essence of Frost and a weapon with a PermaHarm white Gem
  • An Energy Gem requires an Essence of Electricity and a weapon with a PermaLightning white Gem
  • An Elemental weapon is one that no longer does physical damage. It does an element damage instead
  • There are no Elemental Bows or Crossbows. The arrow or bolts can be elemental by using an essence of Flame, Frost or Electricity on an arrow or bolt
  • Fire Frost and Energy jewellery together with Sorceror spell bonuses in Fire, Cold and Electrical are for casting spells only. They don't boost elemental weapons.


  • A manastone transfers magic and other properties from one item to another. Generally this works as expected, however, be aware that the item is still what it looks like. Transferring from a Mithril Staff to a Shepherd's Crook is NOT a good idea as it's still a shepherd's crook and still does the same damage as a normal shepherd's crook but with magic added. You would end up with a good shepherd's crook named as a mithril staff.
  • This is a list of the properties that are transferred with a manastone:

name, quality, ar_mod, dmg_mod, maxhp_mod, hp, max_hp That means a piece of clothing or armour will work as expected, but not a weapon. So if you are manastoning a weapon, don't transfer it to a weaker weapon.


Calculate regen rate:

  • Take the greater of your Invocation, Animallore or Necromancy.
  • Take the greater of your Magery or Arcane
  • Take your meditation skill

Regen rate as reported in .status: Average of 130 in the skills: regen = 21 Average of 120 in the skills: regen = 18 Average of 110 in the skills: regen = 15 Average of 100 in the skills: regen = 13 Average of 90 in the skills: regen = 11

The regen rate is modified by a few things - eg hunger and thirst.

Is the player a specialist in regeneration? If so multiply the regen rate by 1.6. There is no extra multiplier for being specialised more than once.